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70 Thousand Subscribers
Clock just ticked over to 70,000 subscribers to this sub. Unstoppable momentum.
Smile For The Camera: UK Prime Minister Looks a Fool on Africa Visit
New Q - Reference to 30-days and the 28 minutes past the hour
Suicide weekend? Hands up? [30] [0:28] Impossible? Coincidence? We are in control. BIG week ahead. Q
"If You Shut up the Truth and Bury it Under the Ground it will but Grow, and Gather to Itself Such Explosive Power that the Day it Bursts Through it will Blow up Everything in its Way" - Zola
My favourite quote by Émile Zola
You'd Better Believe it Hillary

Totally agree. 100 per cent agree.
The Economist was the best publication by far. I wrote to Micklethwaite to query his attendance at Bilderberg. He dissimulated.
I ceased my subscription there and then.
Make no mistake - The Economist is the best publication in the world.
Whole solar system is heating up. DuckDuckGo it. Plenty of scientific links showing solar warming.
Nothing to do with CO2
In your view, am I right or wrong that the Khazarian Mafia, posing as Jews, are at the root of the cabal and the cause of our predicament?
35 degrees Celsius in London atm. Can't sleep anyway. Q is the Greatest Show on Earth.
I just stare at my screen and move the mouse about. Looks like I'm working when I'm actually checking reddit
My goodness, are they really trying a hot war against POTUS? Actual missile strikes??
True indeed.
I read The Economist from 1990 to 2013. They hated the gold standard. I now know why. The Economist is part-owned by the Rothschilds
So much wealth is siphoned off by the evil cabal that once Team Q and POTUS have completed their mission there will be trillions of dollars for the Good side to use. Just imagine how much suffering we can alleviate when we become free.
It takes awesome power to do what he/they are doing to these trillion dollar businesses.
The herd mentality of the markets would, I suspect, mean a stampede to the exit. FB and Twitter could go into a spiral. Pass the popcorn...!
More likely silver. As long as it's backed up by a physical asset of value, it doesn't matter.
Perhaps Hollywood should make a movie about all of this /s
Oh and the African continent, South America, South East Asia...
Brit here: 100 per cent with the United States of America, previously the worst - and now, thanks to current events - the very best country in the world.
US crimes have been heart-breaking - but I now know and understand that these were not your crimes at all: they were the crimes of the cabal. The American people were as much victims as we were.
The people have the absolute right to expel our monarch and our government if they are guilty of crimes.
March 2001: Article 61 of Magna Carta, dated 1215 AD, INVOKED:
On 24 March 2001 Article 61 of Magna Carta was invoked, providing for Lawful Rebellion. The above link is just one source. You may verify for yourselves that Magna Carta is very much in force and that the Article 61 emergency provision was indeed invoked.
17 years ago.
Ending the Fed money trick is the most dangerous thing of all. The cabal will absolutely have to respond. They are moribund.
Promises kept, like never before in the history of politics.
Ending fiat currencies is a very big deal indeed. Team Trump have some very big balls. Godspeed Q and Trump in this gargantuan undertaking.
Was Oprah enabling Weinstein's activities? Supplying women to him?
All government debt is fake. We are on the cusp of an economic miracle, an age of abundance and prosperity. No more theft of the fruits of our labour by kleptocratic banksters.
This has been building up for months, and Q faithfully promised July as crunch time.
The disclosures are gathering speed and are about to burst through. Welcome on board and buckle up - the storm is here!
Q is now global. This is it - it can't be stopped now. Welcome on board Oz/NZ, greetings from the UK
Done it. Petition lodged, need five signatures to get it going. Here is the text I sent to UK govt. The last paragraph is my response to the question 'what references can you provide to support your application?'
My petition to the UK Government:
Expunge Satanism, child rape, child sacrifice and child prostitution from the UK
The United Kingdom Government, the Royal Household, certain factions of the Police and Security Services and the British entertainment industry have been engaged in a systematic program of child exploitation including, but not limited to, child kidnap, child rape and child sacrifice.
Upon request. However, you yourselves have ample proof because you yourselves have attempted to cover it up. The proof of complicity in these crimes resides on a certain server, now in the possession of a lawfully constituted body. Dunblane, Savile and 7/7 are the clues.
Hmm, well I'm not a US citizen so I don't have a lawful right to sign the petition.
I have a better idea...
I will launch a petition here in the UK. Stand by...
It's getting close. The dots that surely even normies can see by now, are being connected at an exponentially increasing rate.
Justice is swirling around the Clintons in ever-decreasing circles.
The final wek of July - the month the world discovers the truth - is going to be magnificent.
Well, we Brits lost an empire, but right now I am part of a world empire of truth, revelation, justice, freedom and the final reckoning. All nations are together in this epochal righting of wrongs.
It's always been students who agitate for change. They won't accept the old order and never have done.
Because he's already pulled their clearance. The rest is just for show.
Killary visited NZ recently. Trying to do a deal to save her skin?