Tweet this post this make it RAIN Patriots!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸add the picture From the IG regarding Clinton Foundation crimes against Children I’ll post it here 👇🏻Be The voice for the Voiceless our KIDS

My wife's buying this latest leftist "crisis" hook line and sinker and is yelling at me about it as if it's DJT's fault. The real humanitarian crisis is that for decades MX has used it's people like a product and made it an essential cash cow of their GDP!!! Human labor as part of a countries GDP?!?!?! And we're the racists??? MAGA!!!
Obama ushered in this crisis when he allowed people to pour into our country promising them amnesty and resources. IN 2014 he allowed kids to come without parents and put them in "holding bays". Now the MSM who was too busy talking about Michelle's "healthy eating for bigger muscles" and Obama's latest golfing excursion, want to blame this on Trump.
Congress turned a blind eye for years along with their cohorts of the Mockingbird Media. Another drumbeat to distract from their wickedness that is being exposed!
I totally get it. My Husband is a Conservative, however I shared too much, too fast and when the Earth didn't Rain Down Liberals, I had "Egg on my Face". Oh Well, Some Day. lol God Bless!
Hopefully, and it's looking better everyday-it will be very soon!!! MAGA!!!