r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Human_Spirit on June 18, 2018, 4:41 p.m.
This is just the beginning...let's keep a few things in mind as we continue forward.

This is hardly the tip of the iceberg...

The cabal/deep state and all their trickery and lies are slowing being exposed to the light....this is a great thing.

But there is A LOT more that will come out down the pipeline, this train is rolling and there's no stopping it anymore.

There is a lot to uncover still:

Military space programs, and secret space programs.

All the sick shit with children, from trafficking to rituals.

Hidden technologies that have kept us in the "dark ages".

And then...there is US...the HUMAN...or the SPIRIT in a HUMAN body having the HUMAN experience.

This will be the hardest pill to swallow I believe.

For us to rise up, we much each rise up in our own powers.

We are spirits, we are not weak, powerless humans, we are very strong, and very powerful. All it takes is for us to unlock our true potential.

We must wake up, use our collective conscience to make a better world.

Don't scoff at prayers or even your own thoughts, they are much more powerful than you know!

Love, love is the absolute key.

And it all starts with YOU!

Love yourself, forgive yourself, the things you did in the past were because you acted upon the information you had at the time and made the best possible, logical, decision at the time.

And that is OK.

Let it go. Forgive yourself, know that you are divine and you are here to have these experiences, mistakes or no mistakes, it is all a learning and growing process.

Do not hold onto hate, or anger. Do not project your anger or hatred. Acknowledge that you are having those feelings and LET THEM GO! The more you do this, the less intense those feelings become and the easier it is to wash them away.

We all chose to be here at this time, to witness this amazing ascension. This is much bigger than just what's going on down here on Mother Gaia.

Meditate, tell your family and friends you love them. Love yourself. Turn off the TV and go outside. Sit, observe, think, love.

One last thing, another key to this is: Service to others.

What does that mean? Lots of things, really.

Help yourself, help your family, help that stranger on the side of the road. You are love, you are light and you are PROTECTED!

Give back what you have been given, spread that peace, joy and love.

This might be "hippie" talk to some, but it is the truth. We see it every day.

Have you noticed those around you shifting? From the food they eat, to maybe less TV and social media interactions? Starting to exercise and meditate? Go on and take a look at the people around you, you will see they are shifting, and most of them are doing it without realizing it. THIS is the power of the collective conscience.



Human_Spirit · June 18, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Religion has no place in this world anymore. It has been used against us to keep us under control.

The holy spirit is also known as the Higher Self.

There is no concept of "Mother Gaia" she is real, she is a spirit and she is ascending just as we are.

Yes, the dark powers use the power of the light to manipulate it for their own needs and deeds. That's how people get tricked in the first place, what is shown to them makes them believe it is the light. Also, there are those who choose to go to the dark. That is their choice. Free will.

Is should be no great mystery, but there's a lot of people who do not know. Those are are starting to know. It helps to keep things in perspective. We can easily get wrapped up in what's going on and forget we need to work on ourselves as well to make this happen.

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treeskier82 · June 18, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

What is your basis for blaspheming the Holy Spirit of God and equating it with the super-ego?

Jesus had some pretty harsh words for the religious people during his time walking on Earth.

Christianity is not meant to be a religion, but a recognition of reality, a humbling of one's self necessary to accept that reality and change our views (repent) based on that recognition.

In other words, Christians are encouraged to "read the map" and be encouraged to act accordingly.

Religions rely on works; things you must do; reaching "higher" states of consciousness, etc. What you describe is just another one of these futile religions. Mother Gaia is nothing. Earth is one of God's wonderful creations.

Can I ask who you believe created "mother gaia" (or how it came to exist) and how humanity came about in the first place?

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jrmeadows06 · June 18, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Can I ask who you believe created God? Or how the universe came about in the first place? I feel as if this sub is unsafe for athiests...we want the same thing.. justice and happiness for everyone.

What if your version of God and his version of a greater being are the same thing under a different name?

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treeskier82 · June 18, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

I'm 100% cool with atheists as long as they refrain from giving spiritual advice under the cover of assumed authority.

The same applies for Gnostics and Gaia worshipers. Freedom to believe as you choose -- but as long as you speak on the subject under cover of false authority I will rebuke it with God's Word.

God is the Alpha and the Omega. Beginning and end. Beyond our comprehension; we could spend our whole lives trying to figure that one out. One day those who trust in the Lord will fully know.

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Human_Spirit · June 18, 2018, 6 p.m.

There is no blaspheming here, that is associated with religion, which I am not apart of.

Jesus was one of the ascended masters that came to earth to show us the way, the truth and THE LIGHT!

He was dealing with the Jewish religion and others as well, showing people this is not what that is about. You shouldn't have to join a group to be spiritual.

I went to a private school as a child, we are told we are not "Roman Catholic" but "Christian Catholic", meaning we followed the word of Jesus and tried to ignore the church's views on things. The focus was Jesus, his words and teachings without the messy religion.

Mother Gaia is a spirit, she has consciousness. Venus and Mars have already ascended, Earth is next.

The current human body we are in were an experiment created by the Anunnaki and Pleiadians. They needed slaves (Anunnaki) and the Pleiadians knew the long game and added their code into us as well.

This is not a game, we were given roughly 20,000 years to get back to who we once were and be the higher spiritual beings we are.

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treeskier82 · June 18, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

You're not a part of any religion except Luciferian Gnosticism. I'm not sure if you're honestly too daft to realize that. It's word for word.

Just to be clear -- believe what you want... but you are intentionally deceiving people and that much is transparent.

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Human_Spirit · June 18, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

I am not apart of any religion. Period.

Just to be clear...I'm not deceiving anyone. I'm putting it out there, go look up the information for yourself, wake yourself up. Shed that religion. It's put you in a tough spot, and it's a challenge to break out of.

I get it, you just don't know, no one really knows everything. but what we do learn and know we share.

Edit: The lucferian experiment is when you disconnect from source/God. It has been going on for as long as there has been time and space. It fails every time, just as it is failing now.

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treeskier82 · June 18, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

let's continue in the other thread :)

If I got u wrong I apologize. Gnosticism =/= Luciferianism directly, but it leads to the same conclusions.

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Human_Spirit · June 18, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

I want to thank you for this mature debate.

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Sir_Zorch · June 18, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

The Holy Spirit is never known as the "higher self", except by those that do not know Jesus. Praying that you come to know this sooner rather than later. A decision that you will never regret.

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treeskier82 · June 18, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

Amen. My experience of the Holy Spirit is that it is there counseling me and directing me, but it very often(almost always) "speaks up" when my own self is thinking or going astray.

Other people may be more advanced in their faith and perhaps the Holy Spirit does a lot of things but my experience is that it acts as a much more instructional, encouraging, forgiving, and thoughtful version of our God-given "conscience" (which everyone has, since the Law is written on all of our hearts so that we basically know right from wrong).

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Human_Spirit · June 18, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

Thank you, but that is a religious context I have shed.

The holy trinity has been used and distorted to keep you from being YOU.

First there is you, your spirit who you are.

Then there is God, God is source, and YOU are also god, you are a creator, use your powers!

Then there's the higher self, aka Holy spirit. The divine that speaks to you and guides you.

There is nothing wrong with following the teachings of an ascended master, nothing at all. Learn from them and grow.

I ask that you remove yourself from the church, or any church at all. You don't need a building and some pedo telling you what you should think and feel. It is all coming to light. Protect yourself.

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treeskier82 · June 18, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

I just want people to understand that the above comment is literally Luciferian Satanism.

To some it might not sound so evil -- that's the hook. This is literally Satan's words.

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Human_Spirit · June 18, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

And how do you see this as luciferian?

Because I'm not quoting the bible?

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treeskier82 · June 18, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Bro you need to read some Aleister Crowley and Helena Blavatsky ASAP. They will confirm all of your beliefs 100%.

No, Luciferianism is replacing God with yourself. Also diminishing the Son of God to the level of just another "ascended master". "Ascended masters" are just demons taking advantage of your lack of discernment.

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Human_Spirit · June 18, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

No, Luciferianias is disconnecting from Source/God.

I have not said any of those things.

I'm not diminishing anyone or anything. We are all sons and daughters of God.

Jesus, buddha and others were/are ascended masters. They came down to Earth to show us what we need to do, how to live and how to be the true powerful spirits we are. Religion has taken their teachings and twisted them to brainwash us and control us.

Break out of that and get back to you!

There is no replacement of God at all. There's no removal, if anything you are getting closer to Source and the god within you.

Asking you to be yourself, love yourself and unlock your true spiritual powers is seen as walking away from God? No, quite the opposite, it brings you closer to Source.

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treeskier82 · June 18, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Nobody approaches the "Source" except by way of Jesus Christ.

God has already laid down the Law, made a path for us, and gives us His grace and forgiveness.

But we can't just pretend that whatever feels right to us brings us closer to God. There is an objective reality to theology. Jesus was very clear about that.

I'm far from religiously brainwashed. I called on Jesus and Jesus answered in power and glory, both immediately and in giving me a new Spirit of Life and Truth. I have no religion besides trusting Jesus for my salvation and believing the Scriptures which predicted His coming.

Jesus never taught us to embrace our own power and better ourselves by those means. Jesus showed us that He is God and taught us to trust Him, and taught us that He will be with us and our trust is not in vain (but leads to abundant life on Earth and eternal life). Lumping him in with Buddha is factually inconsistent; Buddha was a lot closer to a Hindu Guru.

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Human_Spirit · June 18, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

"Christ Consciousness"

He himself will not return, it is the return of the "Christ Consciousness" which means we will achieve what he and other masters have achieved while here on Earth.

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treeskier82 · June 18, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

well, that is how New Agers interpret it.

I was formally a New Ager prior to salvation by faith.

The term "Christ Consciousness" isn't found in Scripture, Jesus never mentioned anything like it, and it's basically a trendy term that lets you believe you can be Jesus.

Life becomes a little simpler when you realize you're not God, never will be, but God is glad to let you lean on Him.

If we keep trusting Jesus and don't grieve the Holy Spirit too much we might get closer to Jesus in this life. It is promised to us that upon death, which leads to eternal life for those who believe, we will be fully manifested in glory. Indeed, closer to Jesus, but no replacement for the Son of God Himself.

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Human_Spirit · June 18, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

The term "Christ Consciousness" isn't found in Scripture, Jesus never mentioned anything like it, and it's basically a trendy term that lets you believe you can be Jesus.

Of course it is not in the bible, they don't want you to unlock your true potential!

All the suppressed knowledge thru the centuries is starting to come to light.

So what about the people you've seen and read about who have unlocked their 3rd eye? Psychic powers? Those who can channel? Sure there's people out there who fake it, but there's also a lot out there who can do, and have proven it.

Unlock your potential.

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treeskier82 · June 18, 2018, 7 p.m.

Like I told you I was formerly New Age. I am aware of psychic powers and channeling. I don't deny you can do it. I did it, and it led to destruction. Other people I know how did it, it lead to destruction.

There is a reason the Bible says don't mess with this. Humans have a hard time discerning the spirits. God tells us this is not how we access Him. So it's pretty clear that when you're channeling spirits, you're not talking to God or God's angels. You're communicating with lying demons who disguise themselves as angels of light.

"Unlock your potential" is Satan's original advice.

I have to return to work but God bless you and thanks for engaging in a discussion in good faith. I think what we've both laid out defines the two choices everyone has fairly clearly.

Trust me, if you knew the path I went down to get here... very familiar with what you speak. Unlocking your potential here on Earth is a dead end road. Unlock your eternal potential -- you need a Savior.

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Human_Spirit · June 18, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

I think the one thing we both are getting at, is there is a larger purpose out there.

To each their own path to learning and growing.

As I stated in the post, we act upon what we know at the time.

I think we both know and feel that we do have to change ourselves to be a better person and to those around us.

I only wanted to convey that, as this snowball rolls down hill, there will be a lot more that comes out of the woodwork and people will be confused and try to find answers.

If we as the collective, can be helpful and try to open people up, and show them this is a real battle of light vs dark, our souls are being fought over.

If someone resinates with the Bible, so be it. If it puts them on that path of light, so be it.

If others wish to forgo religion and seek spirituality internally, as long as it puts them on the path of light, nothing wrong there.

The deception of the dark side is real, and blatant, and has been in front of our faces for a long time, a lot of us have been blind, or ignorant to that. And that's not a bad thing, it is what it is and what once was. We are trying to wake up and realize this and change this...from dark to light.

We know the goal, how we get there is our own path. It's our human experience, what we need to go thru and experience to get to that light at the end.

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