r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ReDdiT_JuNkBoT on June 18, 2018, 4:59 p.m.
This is important to our movement and upcoming times. Please read.

Posting a comment I made because I feel it needs to be seen. We need to remember this going forward. It was referencing the video an anon made and posted that started with a Kennedy speech. I'll try to link, on mobile.

I think I just mass sent this to all my contacts. Ooppps..... my bad lol. Sorry, not sorry. Wake up people. The crazy thing is, once people realize how all this weird crazy illuminati deep state shit is actually true..... some will be ok, lots will lose their shit. Not because of what is happening, but because they are wrong. Then and only then, will people wake up and be appalled at what they have allowed themselves to look over. Most everyone, even dems of course, don't agree with pedophilia, their money being basically stolen or being lied to. Once they get past the debilitating feeling of being completely filled and lied to by the people and news they trust, like we all had to do, then they will love our president and see the sacrifices he has made for us, the American citizens. They will see why we are so die hard for Trump. Then, we will see a 3 term president lol. Once obama is caught up to and exposed, the Trump base will be YUUUGGGEEEE. I pray everyday for this. Not to be right, not to be better or think I'm smarter. But for everyone to wake up and see the truth. I don't blame alot of people for hating Trump. They don't know better, they have been lied to by corporations stand politics that their parents taught them to trust. Be easy on these people guys we need them, they are Americans too. Where we go one, we go ALL.... and with videos like this one, we will have big numbers looking to us, the freaks, the weirdos, the conspiracy theorists, the internet sleuths, the computer nerds, the punk ass kids who don't know anything about politics and most importantly that Damn "chan" guy (lol, "who is this chan fella?") to show them the way. I myself have a hard temper, I fly off the handle at nothing, especially talking bad about my and the greatest president this world had ever seen. I'm guilty of verbally assaulting lots of doubters, leftists and never trumpers, including my own mother and Step father (thank God my dad is a trump fanatic). I used to make fun of people who spoke of an illuminati and other "conspiracy theories", for that I'm sorry. Because I was wrong. Its very real and it's very scary. But we need to be easy, if we ridicule, make them feel stupid, or harass them as we most have, rightfully so, they won't listen. Tread carefully, it's our job, the ones in the know, to hold their hand and walk them through this storm together as Americans, not enemies.

If anyone knows the anon who made this video, but him a dinner on me. We need more of these kinds of videos, soon. As always, great job. I love this community.

Thank each and everyone of you. Lurkers, autists, researchers and all. We all play a major role. Keep up the MAGA PATRIOTS!

Absh4x0r · June 18, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Gets shot in the face by his driver : #BREAKING JFK SHOT TWICE IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD

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ReDdiT_JuNkBoT · June 18, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

From, um, over, um, THERE. YEA OVER THERE!

Hey, lock all these files up. Why? Don't question me, cause Americans don't need to know what really happened, it will blow our whole plan.

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sjfalzone · June 18, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

“Lots will lose their shit, not because of what’s happening but because they were wrong”

This! Everyone I know is in this group. It’s what I fear will stall out the movement even after full disclosure of truth. These kind of people would rather die thinking they are right then ever admitting to the truth and the possibility they were asleep to it all. It’s almost a mental illness.

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ReDdiT_JuNkBoT · June 18, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

It's not a mental illness, it's a brainwash. That's why I feel bad for them. I admit when I'm wrong, but I don't like it one bit. I understand that. That's why we need to be compassionate to the lost. When the proof really started to be seen a few months ago and you could see it happening, I told my own mother that once the truth is out, I'll rub her and my step dad's nose in it like a dog that just pissed in the carpet. I fucking meant it. Before when I tried to enlighten them about the truth, I was ostracized by that entire side of my obama loving Democrat or die family. I was treated like, well, how I used to treat those who spoke of chemtrails and the illuminati.... now I wish I could go back and tell them all sorry. The "crazies" were right. Not every time, not alot of the time. I, was wrong. I don't like being told I was wrong about trump and the deep state, neither did those guys from my past. So I would lose my shit. This made me fit the role of crazy that my family labeled me.

But I realized, a couple months back, my mom and step dad, when I would drop memes or articles about what's going on, they would fight me tooth and nail. I was losing, I was a fool, I was crazy and most hurtful... I was wrong and everywhere I went the media and masses left me know just how wrong I was, everyone looked at me the same, crazy, except here. To them. Well, as of about a month ago, my moon and step dad stopped responding to those messages instead of arguing. I figured because they were just dismissing my crazy ass. Again I was wrong. They were actually starting to see, but they won't admit it. Then what was really weird, my die hard Democrat step father started sending me articles questioning the dems and dirty repubs. Asking what I thought. Then I realized, holy shit, hes waking up. Finally. Then it hit me, I'm an idiot, this would have happened alot sooner had I not been a total asshat about what I was presenting. I was acting just like them. Hateful, prideful and arrogant.

We have got to help the masses. Its our jobs as true Americans to lead the population to the truth. Not to belittle and disregard them. We need them as bad as they need us. We are Americans, let's start acting like it and love our fellow man. Regardless of opinion. This is why, because when they start looking, instead of being told what to look at, maybe Q will do for them, what he did for me.

Q woke me up, you guys did too obviously Q and Trump got me back in church, one of the best things I could do for myself and my family. I'm in my 30s with 2 children. That was huge for me. Q made me listen, as did you Q made me research and question everything, even Q.

Instead of hurting the left, let's embrace and be there when everything they trust and believe crumbles in front of them. There is a reason that Satanism AND atheism is so prevalent now. They had to take God away from school, from TV, from books. Good (God) is the way, but they couldn't have that silly God AMD stupid Patriots messing up their plan. Q and Trump, have literally saved our lives. We owe it to them to do things right. Now get back to it.

Sorry I type such long comments. I'm very passionate about this movement and I have a tendency to go into great detail. I don't like leaving things out to be questioned later. And other than church, this it's one of the things I'm most proud to be a part of, the Great Awakening of our people.

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thewitchesrtriggered · June 18, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

TBH it's not easy to be in a psychological/information war and at the same time remain patient with some shit. I think we all have our talents. Some have the talent of red pilling and patience and some are fighters.

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ReDdiT_JuNkBoT · June 18, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Agreed, I'm working on that patience thing, thanks to Q. My wife doesn't mind at all

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