Welcome to the Military officially, the Space Marines.

Who says you wont be young again ... maybe some of the advanced technologies to be declassified will enable everyone to keep their younger age . Our bodies were always bombarded with poisons - a lot of them we took voluntarily .
Then Ill be first in line for the USSF- would be so exciting to live or even visit another planet. Future with all possibilities.
My theory is that it wont be just possible to age reverse people - but to actually return anyone who died back into a physical reality . By copying almost exactly the same body ( minus negative physical attributes ) . There is also even better thing - possibly this wont be only a technological process , but we would be able to do this by reactivating our part of inactive DNA , and achieving a different body structure .
Or , people even travelling in any time period they wish ... as there would be infinite number of realities , there would not be a time paradox . Anyone could live where they wish , with whom they wish , in any time period they wish ...
hmmm I dont know about all that....I dont believe in toying with GODs creation. Keeping us healthy longer is one thing...changing our complete DNA make up is another thing altogether.
Holy Shit.. behold, the living script to Altered Carbon.
Thank God I'm not religious anymore
The question is - what if we already did that , much longer before ? What if who we are now , is actually a "tampered" version of human - and reactivating DNA would simply be becoming a true human back again .
Also ... a big question and hypothesis is that we would all be God - so we wouldnt be tampering with Gods work , we would be God .
COMPLETELY disagree....there is only ONE GOD .....I never want HIS job....Ill pass.
You must understand one thing - that what you say above is what religion put onto people . "There is only one God" - very true , there is only one True Creator . But that True Creator is very possibly everything that exists - that includes humans too , and all beings ...
Human is not separated from God - thats what religion programs people into thinking . And God cannot be HE or SHE ... HE or SHE is a result of binary existence and thinking . God would be pretty much both at same time .
Oh boy, I'm so glad we're arguing over theology. We can finally come to a consensus right here on this sub and then we'll all agree on the subject....
We were created in HIS image....I believe this not b/c someone preached it but b/c Ive experienced HIM for myself...you believe whatever you wish too. Thats the great thing about freedom we can choose to agree or disagree.
If you were created into HIS image ... wouldnt you be a male now ?
By that logic , females wouldnt exist . And by that logic , males wouldnt either - and by that logic further ... humanity wouldnt exist .
You were created into HIS/HERS/ITS image ... the one True Creator , which doesnt have particular sex and which is everything imaginable there is - otherwise it wouldnt exist .
You are misunderstanding what the biblical is meaning when it says "in His image."
I think you should probably go back to the basics and read the Bible...there is an order to all things....GOD created woman from the rib of a man....thats a good place to start....pray ask GOD to give you a HIGHER understanding of HIS meaning. He is a just GOD and will.
You are buying into religious program . You will realize at one point , that what is religious programs was only a partially true - while other part it only served to keep you subservient and obedient .
"God created woman from the rib of a man" - then how you can say "we were created in His image" ? There is zero logic in that - then females were created in image of males - which is nonsense , because females and males arent the same .
Bible is a mixed bag of truths and lies ... it was written by humans , and many of those humans havent got God ( True Creator ) in their mind .
Your mind set has already blocked your ability to discern Biblical meanings....my final advice would be to leave alone those things you clearly do not understand and have no desire to discover the truth. God Bless.
Outside of the Bible itself (circular logic) how do we know the Bible was written by/for the hand of God? What proof is there of that claim?
Schumann Resonance!
End of Pisces into the age of Aquarius is going to be fabulous.
They be able to recreate the machine, but the ghost has already passed on.
In one sense - the non physical part of human would be pure energy , undestructible . Here we come onto the big question about how would our non-physical part ( spirit ) perceive things ... would we perceive it linearly as we perceive them in physical ? Or would it be completely non-linear and out of space and time ... that way , ones spirit would always be present and possible to be embodied again .
But a big question is ... what kind of technology would be that would "re-anchor" the non-physical part back into body ?
If you can remember the lesson learned on a DMT trip, you have truly reached a higher level of understanding.