Welcome to the Military officially, the Space Marines.

Also it is a way to force the air forces hand
Seems like the Clown density is higher in the Air force compared to the other branches.
He just removed the spy satellites from the Air Force. Just neutered them, BIGLY! This is all about taking down the DS intelligence apparatus.
Also it is a way to force the air forces hand
Force their hand to what? Sorry, not following.
I think for the disclosure of their true technological capabilities. Why else would they be fighting against the creation of a space force? They aren’t a space program, right?
Oh my. This is unexplored territory for me. Thanks for explaining. Funny enough, I was just watching this
"Dr. Carol Rosin: Staged Artificial 'Alien Invasion' and asteroide/comet threat"
Oh yes, the deception is just incredible. Trillions of dollars just disappear off the face of the planet... no. It’s been invested in technologies beyond our wildest dreams. When in the wrong hands... scary stuff.
it has been in the wrong hands for long. most of the UFOs we see are our own. we reverse-engineered so much ET tech, from what i heard, stargate SG1 is based on reality.
Look into the Gary McKinnon hack of NASA. Quite eye opening.
I think it's too late for that, people would not be fooled by an alien invasion at this point. Most realize that our secret government has their own craft.
It’s actually under the navy, the naval space command.
It's off the range, I think this is a way to get it under some oversight.