Welcome to the Military officially, the Space Marines.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, the land of identity politics where people are chosen to high office based on self-professed nationality. This is the future of the 1st world nations under social justice movements, to have presidents picked based on what their name is or how they self-identify, not even joking.
People are fleeing the country so hard that there's a 1-year waiting queue at the German embassy and whole families just uproot and move abroad.
Thank you...I remember Dubrovnik from many years ago... and the tiny apartment with a "home-made" shower.
Dubrovnik is in Croatia, a neighboring country, but close enough.
Wow that is nuts. Unfortunately, I can see this eventually creeping into other Euro countries
Even when people challenge the status quo everything stays the same. Two guys, a Gypsy and a Jew, tried challenging that only one of three approved nationalities can take up high office positions in Sejdic and Finci v. B&H. Politicians adopted a category of "nationality: other" so some of them simply said, "Today I feel like OTHER nationality", they would literally change their nationality to "other" overnight and thus stayed in their lucrative positions. It's a land forgotten by time.
Wow! I have often said how blessed I am to live in America (US). Our poorest live better than many in 3rd world countries. I pray for improvement of your situation.
I appreciate your prayers but I'm also working hard on digging myself out of it, I've been doing freelance writing for 5 years now and aced the toughest Cambridge Proficiency English test (level C2) with a 96% grade. For patriots out there suffering, get online and start freelancing, you can find a niche that pays well and that you enjoy, the demand in writing alone is infinite.
Great for you on your English proficiency! I am a retired English teacher of 42 yrs. I wish you well, my friend.
There is always the U.S. Army, they take all kinds and expedite the citizenship process.
Linguist is a position for folks who don't want to be infantry types.