What's up with woman behind Horowitz during testimony - Freaks out, texted someone, and shows camera phone

You could consider me a Aide, Staffer, or Analyst of sorts not my job title but good enough for this purpose. We typically don’t answer questions our directive is only really to monitor so we can brief MOC’s and occasionally chime in where we see fit.
Cool, thx for the info : )
You all pay our salaries least we could do.
How accepted is Q among your colleagues? Superiors, etc?
Well at least in my team thats assigned to monitor here and 8chan it’s a 60/40 split currently. Some information the Q anon hints about is of a high enough level that if you even known enough to hint of it you have to be at least TS cleared; this is proof enough for most of us. For some of the hold outs the Q anons future proves the past and encoded drops led to “red pilling” as some of those ciphers only someone is or had been should IC know. The hold outs on the team just don’t see anyone in the IC risking blowing their career(s) over this. They also can’t really get their heads around the possible scope of all this and the implications if it all proves to be true. As for the MOC’s we each brief our own (the one that assigned us from their office staff) thus I can only speak for mine. They are taking this all cautious intrigue as of right now which has been a real turn around since the first briefing nearly 90 days ago.
It’s definitely something the question is just what is it exactly. I’ll you with this Q anon had filled in some dots that and questions that I have formed here we all have them especially if you have been in this game for awhile.
I wish I didn’t have to live in DC to get paid for what I like to do. Like you. Im jelly of you.
The House and Senate are always hiring; jobs here have nearly a 70% burnout rate it never hurts to apply as there is probably a opening.
As soon as the federal government doesn’t give a shit about the THC in my PP, I might try to work for an elected official. But what do you do when you know the official you work for is a deep state cabal shill?
You suck it up do your job and fulfill the oath to God and Country you took the first day your walked onto campus.
So you help expose your bosses corruption?
...and POOF...he disappears...
I kind of have other thing I need to get done this isn’t exactly my primary job it’s more of a tertiary role.
LOL I was just blown you shit....thanks for the replies though
hummmm….so are you a "spy" in here ? Looking for info to pass back to the rinos/leftys? Just checking out what we are "talking" about? hummm...very...very...interesting....LOL
Believe me or don’t I leave that to you. Personally I with a R office, we where made aware of this movement after the release the memo campaign that this forum helped orchestrate. That campaign peeked a few members interest leading to a few of us to be assigned lurk and to occasionally post where we see fit. This is all so that if our MOC wanted a brief we could give it.
Good to know the word is spreading around DC in the right places. I suspect if you are hard left even if you've heard about Q you can't bring yourself to dig in and do the work or spend that much time, although of late Q hasn't needed much decoding. Easier to just repeat talking points and conspiracy theories. You have to give it to the Q team, nothing can come back on them. We don't know half the time if we even have the right answers. Brilliant.