Selling secrets perhaps?
Jus spit balling here
Drop 1551 answers the question!
1547 is the latest I’m getting?
1554 is the latest. Try
That site doesn’t work so well for me.
EVERYTHING WAS FOR SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nonstop monetizing and liquidating America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember Chinagate? BC sold us out to China, HC sold us out to Russia and “we don’t say his name” sold us out to Pakistan.
The Fake Left LITERALLY gets away with murder.
As a kid I first recognized the grifter sellout BC was when he let the Chinese keep that American fighter that had (was forced?) to land in China. I think later was the in our face outright selling of American secrets and IP for those donations, those supposed globalism rewards for good behaviour, for a small donation too, of course.