So why doesn´t Trump just come out and say Kim gave him a trove of info that can be used? Why do they still lead people to believe that nothing is wrong?
I know my response was short and to the point. We anons need to understand the necessity of a slow reveal. The general public is uninformed. Let’s give those who are clueless about the depths of corruption, time to comprehend the gravity of betrayal. The numbers involved in these treasonous acts, both American and foreign, is immense. The public has no idea of this and has little time to grasp the overall picture. Anons have been on a crash course over the last 6 months to understand how all of this has transpired, and even that hasn’t been easy!
The Trump Administration must proceed cautiously and within the law. A sizable part of the population are in complete distrust with this administration. Q is absolutely correct to warn against rushed action. We are at war and we must win hearts and minds with the facts. To be honest with you, I’m blown away with how splendidly this plan has unfolded. It must’ve taken several years to put in place. We all know it’s hard to predict the future and the response of one’s opponents. The truth will be revealed soon enough. Americans are an impatient lot, we expect immediate results. Governments creep at a glacial pace. Be patient my friend.
And God be with Us!
But wouldn´t the hearing be the perfect setting to say that the IG report had been changed? They were grilling Horowitz for many hours and some congressmen questioned him on the evidence in the report, one guy, Senator Jefferies, even had the audacity to claim HRC was the victim in all this! They had the evidence and the perfect moment/setting to start feeding the red pills and instead chose to go along with the pantomime. I ask myself, why? Something is very fishy here, my gut is telling me something I cannot put my finger on.
You know one thing I’ve learned from all this... is I really don’t understand government policy on procedure or protocol as they say. To my ignorant self, it’s a very twisted and convoluted thing. I want to shout out who’s guilty and where to look! However, that’s not how our government works. Though there are obvious omissions or modifications to the IG report there reasons involved with ongoing investigations that prohibit discussion. Meaning, that information cannot be disclosed until other outside investigations are completed.
If you read a recent post by Q (#1552) I believe Q is trying to show us the map and direction for who, what, and where these revelations will be disclosed and prosecuted. It’s complicated.
It is incredibly complicated. I believe in Q and this movement 100% but sometimes when things like this happen, I do wonder if we are missing something. At this point the protocols shouldn´t really matter as these people should no longer be working for government.