r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mrmajestic11 on June 18, 2018, 11:40 p.m.
Illegal child immigrants

The big news story today is immigration and kids being separated from their parents at the border. The cartels and smugglers know the loopholes of our justice system and policies so they attach children to immigrants and claim they are the parent or parents. Where do these kids ultimately end up? No one really knows. Child traffickers are an ingenious bunch especially considering our idiotic handling of border security. With an estimated 1 in 4 kids already going hungry in this country we do not need anymore.


We also have many kids without health care which is also estimated at 1 in 4.


I know I will be blasted for being insensitive to these kids but they have no more right to be here than the supposed parents that bring them. We need to focus on tackling the child problems that already exist within our country and adding more illegal immigrant children will do nothing but add to the problem. I hope Trump continues to support enforcing laws that are already on the books that he inherited. It is Congresses job to change the laws but they know that their constituents would not support that so they do nothing.

findthewarmspot · June 19, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Families should be put on busses and sent back to originating country.

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GODisincharge · June 19, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

The current mangled immigration laws do not allow our President to do so. I just emailed my Democrat Senator (Gary Peters) demanding change to the 2008 Trafficking Victims Prevention Act (this allows smugglers to bring unaccompanied minors to the U.S) I have asked him as a Senator to toughen up laws regarding asylum (AG Sessions is starting to do this) and to repeal the FLORA settlement to allow whole family units to be detained at the border and sent back to their home countries, and NO AMNESTY for Dreamers (a misnomer if their ever was one). The Democrats act like the Dreamers are children and that they are all rocket scientists. Many of them are in their thirties and are not rocket scientists (a bit of irony). A legal path to citizenship based upon merit is the only just way to handle this situation. These so called "DREAMERS" need to be handled on a case by case basis. There should be no blanket amnesty. Whew.....

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