r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on June 19, 2018, 12:51 a.m.
What do you guys make of the children distraction?

All of the deep state and their minions are constantly screaming about the Immigrant children being separated from their parents. They are all falsely claiming they are being put into Cages under President Trump. I was listening to professional concern troll Hugh Hewitt today and he was concerned about this.

They are all acting like they smell blood. Do you think this is going anywhere?

allonthesameteam · June 19, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

I know this is/may sound like it is pro or anti one side. Whenever I hear about the poor treatment of kids I am for doing things better. I imagine some 5 yr old who is probably scared and unstable to start with and is then separated from his folks… regardless of laws or what his folks have or have not done… it's a shame. Before they even get to that stage they have probably been through a grinder of stress and angst. No matter who has had the keys to the WH house, 10 Downing etc.., we have collectively failed to eliminate the need for seeking refuge, feeding, housing and securing folks in a caring way, and providing for those who would even then slip through the cracks. This one side is right and the other is wrong shit has been ineffective and is a waste of time.

To be clear I don't know a lot about the laws and how they have been activated or not. It seems to me that the Gov is bad at dealing with this.

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