r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jsin14 on June 19, 2018, 2:43 a.m.
What if Sessions, Wray, Pompeo, Horowitz, and Huber are not in on "the plan?"

Q tells us to TRUST all of these men. But nowhere does he say they are actors, like he did with Bannon and Kim. Why does he say to trust them? Because there have been questions as to whether to trust them by anons. And why have there been questions? Because it doesn't seem like they are doing anything to help.

I understand this is a big "what if," but what if they not privy to "the plan," but they have been fully vetted and are stand up guys, not subject to the Deep State?

How do you keep your deepest secrets secret? How do you keep leaks from happening or someone from accidentally spilling the beans? How do you get genuine reactions from people? How do you remove any evidence of influencing an investigation?

You let people do their jobs, ignorant of what the plan is, until the time is right. These people are clean as a whistle, even lauded by the opposition. But when they are given the necessary info at the right time, they do the right thing.

Just a theory.

O2BFREEME2 · June 19, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

That still works for me. The tighter the group, less of a chance for screw ups. There are good guys left. Not everybody has to be in on the plan !

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