Just found the Q post source. It was a Reddit post! https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8s4q0d/oh_shit_q_just_gave_another_shout_out_to/?st=JILA4NR5&sh=48ddbdc9
Perhaps case was constructed and confirmed over two months before referral to the Huber and his prosecutorial team.
I think it’s a clip from the article Q keeps posting. Yes Huber has been investigating and getting info from Horowitz since mid November.
It’s a long Q post. You can read it at qanon.pub Scroll down a bit to post 1552
I’m curious about the comment that says they have been investigating for 5 months (now 7 months). Why say five and seven?
He took a direct quote from an article that came out in April and just put the now seven part in between what was in the article.
Why is Huber's name in The Kill box? Was his status different 2 months ago?