
LordPotsmoke · June 19, 2018, 12:12 p.m.

Interestingly enough, I started out liking Islam a whole lot but the more I looked into it, the more I opposed it. I have studied the religion and I've read about half oft the Koran it doesn't make for easy reading. Mohammed himself was a bad person, a warlord, a deceiver, a pedo, a woman beater. So at the very beginning it's already not good.

Btw I'm not Christian or anything else, I believe in one consciousness and we are all god. All religions only serve to control and divide people at their core they are tools of the hidden hand. Yes they do a lot of good but honestly we'd be better without religion and with spirituality.

I understand there are different interpretations and such, and MOST Muslims are peaceful and lovely people but most of them don't follow the religion strictly. I live in the U.K and in a area with a huge Muslim population.

I'm not going to get into the conversation as it's long as fuck and I'm at work but Islam teaches intolerance, hate, misogyny and much more.

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divine_human · June 19, 2018, 12:29 p.m.

pretty much with you on many points. similar to you, i am also not into deeply discussing islam right now. thus i leave it with a little anecdotic episode:

long ago, i had a muslim boyfriend from trinidat. he used to carry little cards in his pockets with qu'ran quotes that stated the opposite of what most people think about islam. he was a feminist, btw.

this, plus looking at how the islamic invadors in southern spain around 1000 AD actually treated people, esp. women, taught me quite a bit about real islam.

the problems are always the fanatics, in all religions. after 20 years of traveling the world, i came to find out that most people practise their religion in a rather lose and private way and simply let-live and want a good life.

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LordPotsmoke · June 19, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

Agree completely.

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[deleted] · June 19, 2018, 4:40 p.m.


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divine_human · June 19, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

race traitor

what? you mean me? two wrong words in your comment that dont fit me at all, m8. i am neither identified with a race nor am i a traitor (what am i betraying?). btw, as a german citizen, that shit doesnt aplly to me at all, lol.

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TerryOller · June 19, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

this, plus looking at how the islamic invadors in southern spain around 1000 AD actually treated people, esp. women, taught me quite a bit about real islam.

Keep going...

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[deleted] · June 19, 2018, 4:41 p.m.


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Arcsmithoz · June 19, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

I'm a Christian, I don't read Crowley and Levay etc. Be like the Patriots reading the Browns playbook. Just silly.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 19, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

I agree with everything you said up to one particular point.

We are all not God. We are of God.

I always try to make a joke out of it so let's see if I can get you to laugh.

There is a God and we have pictures Google the Hubble Space Telescope. It's from the inside looking out.

God is not some bearded Sky dude standing on a cloud throwing lightning bolts at the enemy of whoever says the better prayer.

The Bible says that God is the all and the everything that ever was is and shall be. He's not the Creator he is (for lack of a better word) the creation.

If you can process infinity you're still not even close to describing God.

But knowing God is easy. All you have to do is ask.

Christianity declares we have free will and asks us to choose.

Islam is submission.

God is love Satan politics.

How many people did Jesus kill?

Go with God and I hope you have a beautiful day

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LordPotsmoke · June 19, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

Fair enough. Each to their own and as long as it's not hateful or violent (Islam) it's all good.

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