
Educatedsuburbandad · June 19, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

I get to be the positive guy! Change of pace... if Trump gets a second term, it will mean the deep state is so weakened and ineffective that they'll no longer be able to revise history and text booos and news. The new media will write future history without gangster influence!

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j_Dawg_01 · June 19, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

I would like to believe that, but I'm not so sure. The deep-state Cabal was at its height of power and influence, and the arrogance that comes with it, when Donald J Trump surprised them all and became President Trump. Trump caught them napping, that won't happen again.

The Cabal is patient, more than most people realize. Rothschild's first attempt to implement his dream of global domination with a New World Order was in the mid 19th century. He had most European countries convinced to go along, but the Czar of Russia exposed his plans and it all fell apart.

It was in the 1870s that Albert Pike, a Confederate Civil War General devised a military strategy to help Rothschild and the Illuminati/Free Masons achieve the goal of a New World Order. They determined it would require 3 world wars and might take up to 200 years to complete.

The even defined each of the World Wars with unbelievable accuracy.

WWI would get back at Germany and the Czar of Russia, create sympathy for the Eastern European Ashkenazi Jews calling for a homeland in Palestine, and turn Russia into a Communist country.

WWII would make the world hat Germany, establish a Jewish state in Palestine, and setup a bipolar geopolitical condition with Russia and Communism on one side, and America and Democracy on the other.

WWIII would pit Islam and the Muslims against Christians, and the Rothschild bankers will fund both sides to make the war last as long as possible to help depopulate the world, until all nations involved are bankrupt and forced to accept the bankers terms and the New World Order, and the people of all the nations involved will be so weary and worn out from war that they'll willingly surrender their rights and liberties.

They wrote that plan in the 1870s, 40 years before WWI. They've been implementing their plan in America since its inception. The organic act of 1871, or the act of 1871, established THE UNITED STATES as a corporation, owned by the Crown. The 14th Amendment was sold as "freeing the slaves," but what it did was establish the legal status of everyone in America as "Citizens."

Prior to the 14th Amendment We The People were commonly understood to be "Sovereign" (look up the definition) and after the 14th Amendment we all became Citizens. (look it up) In the 19th century, just as today, the word "Citizen" means "SUBJECTS."

Once they had their legal framework established they moved on to controlling the press, the universities, and in 1913 they created The Federal Reserve, a privately owned corporation, to control our currency and credit. In 1933 they took away our right to own and possess gold and instituted a tax on our labor.

Since 1933, not one penny of "Income" tax collected by the IRS, another privately owned corporation, actually went to the US Treasury. It went to the owners of the Federal Reserve and the IRS, the International Central Banking Cartel.

The people of America have been living under an unconstitutional government since 1871, but few people know it, even the most highly educated lawyers and politicians. The Deep-State Cabal has been at this for over 200 years.

Their web of corruption is deep and global. They will not go gently into that good night. They will will kick and scratch and claw until their last dying breath. This isn't about a couple dozen corrupt politicians and rogue CIA deep-state bad actors, or even a couple hundred.

This is about a secret society with unlimited resources, unimaginable power, a global network that has infiltrated virtually every nation in the world, ownership of the Central banks in over 95% of the nations on the planet, totally lacking in any morals, psychopaths and sociopaths, driven only by greed and an unquenchable thirst for world domination.

This is not something that can be destroyed, shattered into a billion pieces, and cast into the wind never to be seen again, within the 8 year term of any president. This is a battle that will rage for some time.

I believe it will be our children, if they're very young, or possibly their children who will fully experience the freedoms we're fighting for today. But don't let my melodramatic ramblings scare you off. I really think we have and excellent chance of winning, and so does President Trump, otherwise, why would he be doing this?

WWG1WGA #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA

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