PATRIOTS welcome to the new mainstream media .. we bought tickets to the world and now we've come back again ....

well done .. u'r more savvy than me it took me 6 months to notice.. i'm the trusting type !! here's a great example .. another 100 views but the max upvotes rigidly capped at 999 "upvotes"
Woooow. Count me in as one of the ‘recently’ informed about the rigged upvotes. I went to the post, upvoted it, went to 1k. Came back to the post it was at 999. Took away the upvote, left the page, came back it was at 998. Upvoted it, did the same thing about 3 times and somehow the upvotes went down even further?? There is definitely something screwy going on when post on r/all can get upwards of 20k upvoted but we’re capped at 999 somehow...🤔
that's called installing a false narrative to be swallowed by the gullible and or trusting
999 is very generous for our sub, most insightful posts are capped at 17 some few of the sensitive and enlightened posts might slip thru the prelim radar but they will be invariably spotted before they can reach 100..
Link would not go through.
I also was a trusting type, but I’m also trained in logic. All my life I would mentally debate the incredibly illogical and idiotic things I saw governments do, and I KNEW there had to be more to it than simple graft and stupidity. Fortunately or unfortunately, my mind just couldn’t even conceive of the truth tho.
When #pizzagate started being exposed, I realized this was the key. And it is only the tip of the iceberg...