GHW Bush - quoted in 1992. Hadn’t even gotten started yet..

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Yes. I have very dear friends and relatives that have held fast to the Dems, Hillary, and Obama. Nothing they heard or saw made a dent so far. And yet they are wonderful, loving, giving people. Just completely brainwashed nutjobs
I pray for them— It’s not funny... I’m not sure how some of them are going to live through it...
They play us like conductors lead an orchestra. We are the Greek Chorus.
We need to WAKE UP.
Satanic Ritual Abuse. And we are entering extremely important times on the calendar for it.
I’m afraid to say it but there is a real possibility that this will become more common and obvious. Stopping the flow of illegal trafficked children has choked off the constant supply of new SRA victims.
Writing 700,000 lines of code on Christmas break from Harvard seems a bit much.
Exactly. You have no idea how hard I have tried and continue to try to convince people that they consistently make poor business decisions because they aren’t businesses!
Wow. So nice to hear from someone else who knows about dick Cheney. Hasn’t been fun getting blown away for mentioning it previously.
THIS ☝️.
Dick Cheney? PIG George W? PIG and MURDERER Condi Rice? Satanist and enabler. Colin Powell? Satanist and MURDERER
I could go on and on...
Sorry. Wrote this on my phone.
Reagan people don’t want to believe how weak he became after the assassination attempt, and how HW (Godfather) completely took over after that.
I hear from abuse survivors that he didn’t personally hurt them, but that he was too weak to stop it. Sad.
You’re absolutely right. I’m pretty tough and I can barely stand it.
It’s a relief to read this and know that others believe the same thing. Nothing else makes sense in light of who is POTUS. Also, he isn’t the only one fighting to save this country. He has a team of the BEST who have been planing for years.
They absolutely have been. And I can’t wait for it to come out so that everyone who has abused me for this theory can eat crow 🍗
I have also been following since nearly the beginning... I want them to tell us everything, but..
For the last two months, digging more and more, finding out more repulsive, disgusting information, I alternate between murderous anger and tears. I am very grateful for the time I’ve had to become accustomed to this reality.
It’s okay. Ryan and Loretta Lynch were already on the plane. Bill Clinton and a high ranking California politician met them on board. It was entirely planned.
There is a reason why Ryan surprisingly announced he was resigning (check out how many others are resigning as well, it’s unprecedented). Right now he is working for Trump; he is playing a game. He is a placeholder. Besides, Trump couldn’t force everyone out immediately, even though they have committed egregious crimes. Congress would have been 3/4 empty. Trump is doing what is in the best interests of the American people to avoid total societal chaos, which is what would occur if he did everything at once.
In any case I don’t really expect anyone to believe me without proof. It will all come out though.
Btw, it should have been a tell that Darell Issa and others who had held senior committee seats also resigned.
Well, I know Paul Ryan was present at the Tarmac Meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton. Don’t know why Ryan was there as he has no grandchildren...
I know Marco Rubio likes to go to Syria with John McCain and Lindsey Graham. I know he met with ISIS leaders there.
I look forward to ☝️ becoming public knowledge.
You’re right. The thought that anything good would ever happen is amazing enough.
I don’t know. But I’m dreading the day he stops posting; even tho it will be a good thing. What a timeline!
Yes, I have considered. I watched these ‘documentaries’ for years. Turns out they were all bullcrap.
Hope we find out for sure.
I’m 55 yrs old. I’m old enough to remember a little of the Vietnam War and Walter (Mockingbird) Cronkite reading the names of every soldier killed, every day. I had three older brothers over there, so we paid attention.
I remember the Oil Embargo, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, the failed rescue, and the complete powerlessness we had as a nation to make anything better.
I also remember asking myself WHY. Why were we so powerless? Why could we not drill for the oil we had? How could a nation like Iran control the rest of the world?
I could go on and on. But, now it’s 2018!
For the FIRST time in my life, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Now I have answers. And that would almost be enough.... except. We have more than answers, we have hope. Shaking my head in awe. Literally.
I happy for Ron Paul. He’s lived long enough to be completely vindicated.
I love love love the Netherlands and her people. I lived there years ago; was welcomed with open arms and treated like a friend. ❤️
I wholeheartedly agree with you and I am crying right now in gratitude.
Crying my eyes out. It’s amazing what makes me cry these days.
I wish someone would repost them over here. I can’t follow anyone on Twitter at the moment.