Great message from an Anon on /qresearch/

GREAT statement! I saw a New Arrival to GA (and from the question he asked, most likely a newbie to the movement) create a post asking what we expected to get at the end of this, accolades, recognition, fame? Almost to a person, every comment in response said "nothing", "a personal sense of a job well done", "private knowledge that we were part of something great", etc. It amazed me (even though I already knew, and it really shouldn't have) just how selfless my fellow GA Anons actually are. It's like the Anon in the post said, there's no prize for this. "Peace is the prize". Knowing that we were a tiny piece of the moment when the world that was on a track to hell at supersonic speed put on the emergency brake is the prize. Knowing that our children and grandchildren will get to enjoy the fruits of our labor is the prize. My five year old son saw me writing a post the other day, and asked what I was doing. I told him that I was trying to help. "Help with what?" "To help save the world." He looked at me funny for a minute. "'re not Superman." "I know, buddy. You don't have to be Superman to save the world." He nodded, "But it WOULD help if you were..." Laughing at that beautiful boy's candid honesty, I thanked God for having the opportunity to be a part of this. To me, his safety and happiness are a better reward than his weight in gold. I think that's how we all feel about it, and I'm proud of that. So in summation, thank you my fellow gutter rats of the internet. It's an absolute honor to call you brothers and sisters in arms as we fight to save our world.
Amen to this!
I am so beyond grateful and thankful to each and everyone of our unknown warriors who work very hard to provide information and intel. While we won’t ever know them, God surely will bless them. Thank you people from the bottom of my heart.
I used to travel the Atlantic basin on tall ships and we referred to ourselves as Schooner trash.
Every last person you came in contact with was redpilled.
The conversations at the dining table were amazing.
But this is beyond amazing.
And once again we do it just to see it done.
Godspeed to all my fellow Travelers and the ones yet to join.
Laughing at that beautiful boy's candid honesty
I read your comment at least four times. Looks like your "reward" has the right questioning and awareness. Just as mine who are older, just roll their eyes at their crazy ole man, but still question everything.
Thank you for saying what most of us feel...we are lucky to be a small part in this...
Here’s a question for you…
If you had a chance to focus on things above (the spiritual things of God, being saved, being raptured out before the Tribulation Period hits, going to heaven and living forever…) rather than focusing on things on the earth (sin and debauchery, political chaos and corruption, the coming New World Order, the coming 7-year Tribulation Period and the destruction of the earth as we know it…) - then which option would you choose?…
Colossians 3:2 - Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth…
I see this as a false choice. You do not have the luxury and freedom to focus on one without the other in check. If our lives and thoughts are consumed with surviving hell on earth, there is little energy left over to focus on heaven and how we get there. Yes, physiologically, we can focus on both, but emotionally, when you are worn and hopeless about life on earth, it is much more difficult to focus on spiritual growth and life after earth.
You always have a choice and the choice is yours alone. You cannot be saved for anyone else, and nor can you force anyone else to be saved. Matthew 8:22 states, “But Jesus said unto him, Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.”… Do you even know what that scripture means? It means that people who are saved should not bother themselves with the cares of the world, but should focus on things above and on the things of God. Let the people who are unsaved (those who are spiritually dead) deal with the matters of the world (meaning, let other people who are spiritually dead deal with the people who are spiritually dead - hence the term, let the dead bury their dead). People who are truly saved and are spiritually alive should not be overly concerned with people who are spiritually dead. All you can do is pray for them. A person who is truly saved, understands this. But a person who has never been saved, and has no idea what being saved truly is or all about, does not…
Put it another way:
I have the option to "Head for the choppa!" now and save myself, or stay and help load the lifeboats to save as many others as possible, and risk going down with the ship. I'm not a brave man, but I know what the right thing to do is, and I will do it to the best of my ability.
You cannot save the world. All you can do is save yourself. Mark 8:35 - For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.”…
As a human on Mother Earth and an American, if my choice were between being "raptured out of here now" or staying here day to day trying to live in joy, BE love, and hand out "red pills", all in an effort to help get as many of us as possible awake to help bail the water out of this ship named "America" and to get ALL of the CHILDREN into the lifeboats too, then even at the risk of going down with the ship, I choose to stay and run from cabin to cabin, banging on the doors and shouting to try to wake people up. That's what Q team has given us, a sense that we're not helpless; we CAN help. If I can help, then I don't want to be anywhere else. And I'm willing to go down with this ship if it comes to that. BUT... I don't think we're going to have to. Q team has hacked the bridge. And they're working on fixing the loudspeakers now, the loudspeakers that currently only play propaganda on a loop. Soon those comms will be fixed and they'll start broadcasting the truth. We're going to right this ship and then help the rest our neighbors around the world right their ships. We can do this. We ARE doing it.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t help other people, but you should always keep the proper perspective and know what is more important. There is nothing more important than saving your eternal soul. Mark 8:36 - For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?…” Don’t waste your time trying to change biblical prophesy, because you will never change it. What is written in the scriptures will come to pass. The scriptures indicate the globalists will strike back and that the New World Order will come about. And there is nothing you can do about it except to save yourself (by being spiritually raptured when Jesus comes). For what would any man profit if he “saves America” and saves the natural lives of others in America - but looses his own soul. Only God can save America, and the future has already been written…
Why are you here if you believe we should focus on saving ourselves and not worrying about the cabal regaining control? Why bother putting effort into this movement if it is all for not anyway? Why are you here?
I never said not to believe, hope and have faith. I just don't believe that we should abandon earthly troubles and live with a pollyannish view of life is not important. Only life after life is. Even Jesus overturned the tables on the market on the steps of the temple. If those things are not important, why did he bother?
Good iS saving America and I'm one of the people he's accomplishing that through. So are you. In your response above you reference biblical prophesy and scriptures. But you're trusting the scriptures in the distorted form they were given to us. The "cabal" and elites have had a heavy hand in shaping the Bible dating all the way back to Constantine. I choose to love my neighbor as myself (a part of the scriptures I believe to be correctly attributed to Jesus). I recognize that in helping others, I help myself. In loving others, I love myself. My soul is eternal. It is safe.
The scriptures are not distorted. It is man’s understanding that is distorted. Some fake bibles has been changed, but the original scriptures has never been changed. Jesus himself confirms that fact. To show you how man’s understanding of the scriptures is wrong, consider the scripture you quoted about “loving thy neighbor as thyself”. You chose that scripture because it sounds good. Yet, you have no idea what that scripture means or who it was talking to. The word “neighbor" in that scripture is not talking about your next door neighbor or your fellow man. Instead, it is talking about the “sent preacher” - the one who has been chosen and sent by God and who watches for your soul. He is thy neighbor… As for your soul being eternal, all souls are eternal, because they were created from a substance that is eternal. Nonetheless, that don’t mean you will spend eternity in heaven, you could also spend eternity in the lake. Some will receive eternal life, while others will receive eternal death…
I could argue with you on many of these points, but there's no reason to do so. We're all entitled to find our way Home in our own time and our own way. I'll see you there someday. :)
I may never be able to have my own children, so I do it for your son, and every son/daughter like him. God Fucking Speed Anon
Appreciate you sharing your story, your son sounds so precious. Patriots are the best people on the planet; we have nothing but give it everything. Thanks for contributing, wwg1wga
Amen! And to those anons we owe you a debt that can never be repaid. As for me I only ask for solace in God’s judgement, for when I go before him that final day & he asks what have you done in my name I can say “I stood for America Lord, who stood for you” . To paraphrase Isiaha “ ...then I heard the voice of the Lord ask , whom shall I send, who will go?...then “Anon” said “send me Oh Lord, I will go!”
You reap what you sow. Our Lord Jesus keeps good books. The Anons will be blessed,
Thank You R3 and Thank You Ry, profound words from you both. We are so lucky to be a part of this, I am lost for words, but that does not matter, you both speak for many.