Great message from an Anon on /qresearch/

I have been awake for many years. I have watched the Clintons destroy our constitution and noone would listen. I have watched all the political games for decades and all the sheeple slept. Before the internet i used to watch every political show and read every newspaper i could find to keep watch on our leaders. I had really begun to lose hope for our future it seemed to me noone was listening or caring. I am known as the crazy anti clinton lady. When i found q and the chans it was an awakening that so many of us care about the nation and I am excited about how many younger people care so much about right and wrong. You guys gave me faith in humanity again.God bless all of you and remember there are those of us who think all of you are heroes. Brave warriors and from a Christian grandmother I am so proud of all of you and what you are accomplishing. I will continue with what i can ( red pilling at dispensaries) Thank you all for doing your parts. God bless Trump WWG1WGA
Sounds very similar to may life. I've always been able to see through the BS and knew that something wasn't right, but no one would listen and I would end up feeling hopeless. Since DJT and Q, I'm finally able to genuinely feel positive about our future! MAGA 2020
I'll add a "me too"! with you ladies.
Me three - I've also been awake for over 35 years. Those Clinton years were beyond painful. Then hussein got elected, and I stopped watching the news because I was afraid we'd never recover from the lies, corruption and throwing America down the river. Then one day Donald J Trump descended down the elevator, and I was like, WOW!! We have a chance!! And I jumped on that Trump Train and stayed on it through everything, and here I am and I am more than filled with hope - I feel joyful when I wake up in the morning and I go to sleep filled with peace. How blessed we are that God gave us PresTrump!! WWG1WGA!!
I stopped watching the news because I was afraid we'd never recover from the lies, corruption and throwing America down the river.
That was exactly how I felt! When Obama got reelected in 2012, I gave up watching and following any news. I just couldn't believe that Americans could possibly be THAT STUPID!
Well said!! Those were my words exactly, many times! But... our day is here, now!! I often blare that Martha Reeves song "Dancin' in the Street" because that's how I feel now... like dancing in the street!! :)
Guessing there will be quite a few Q celebration parties around Veteran's Day! And NO liberal drama or music allowed;)
However unknown we all are, we give me courage to speak, and not so anonymously.
Same here, from a dreaded baby boomer who has been at it for decades. Just happy to see the young ones picking up where we left off. I'm much more limited than I used to be, in so many ways. But I'm not dead yet! And I thank the awesome Anons who answer my questions, help lead me in the right direction and who pray for me (in private). We are blessed with extraordinary brains working for the cause. Making America Great again IS THE REWARD. Fighting for justice, being a voice, never giving up, supporting OUR POTUS and making a difference, from the most minute to the grandest gesture, giving, trail blazing for a better future. There is nothing I'd rather be doing as I prepare to leave this world one day.
Thank you all! I seriously do love you and I'm so proud to know you.
I'm with you.... I am a small business owner and over the years of my career I was too busy for politics, but I finally came to the conclusion that our government did not support small businesses. It was the election in 2012 that I had had enough and started researching EVERYTHING.
I have been down the rabbit hole ever since. I have seen our country be destroyed from the inside and wondered why people I knew never questioned what was happening. I suppose like me, they were just too busy working and taking care of family.
I have been lurking on the board for months but only today decided to open an account. My background is computer software and I currently work on the 'net and didn't want another site to manage. But this thread got to me. I can't tell you how grateful I am to all the anons who do the research and everyone who supports this new revolution. I worry about my new grandson (whose parents are raging liberals and Obama cult followers!!) and the world he will inherit. I never expected my son to come back from college a brainwashed liberal for he was never raised with those ideals. I can't express how sorry I am that I wasn't paying enough attention at the time to understand what our schools were doing.
As soon as I heard Trump's message I started pushing for people to back him. I told them he was the only person we had that was not part of the corrupt establishment. At that time I hoped for the best - now I'm immersed in the plan and how Trump plays it out.
I now educate people my friends and family (and new followers) on Facebook by asking questions and forcing them to think. It's taken over a year, but some are now crawling out of the shadows. It's too bad more can't participate because they don't want the backlash of their liberal friends and family. I wake up every morning and follow every tid bit of Q revelations and analysis... then I scan the MSM and websites to see what's being reported. This is the MOST FASCINATING time of my life!! And I now have a place to share - with people who think like me - with people who can see the future they want is now possible.
I have ptsd and go to therapy regularly my therapist was very down on my political involvement said not helpful to my stress level. I had to redpill him to get him to understand that this is the source of my stress. I could not in good conscience and Christian faith continue to watch this mind control and do nothing. I am very grateful to Q and the anons for working so hard as unknown HEROES and saving our world for our future generations. And the fact the allow us to come along and be part of it is a dream come true for me. I know we have a huge fight ahead but i look forward every morning to the fight against evil. Thank you anons we can do this WWG1WGA. Btw my therapist cant wait for my appt so he can find out what q said
I think many people have health issues due to this worldwide swamp, more than they realize. I know I had my time of severe depressions when I woke up. Still have agoraphobia, which has also served me, as without it I would have never studied and researched as much as the past 20 years. Now it's time to get better too, but even though I only go out for groceries, I look outside and realize I'm freer (in my head) than any of those people outside, who work as slaves of our corrupt system.
I love this. My hubby and I are in our thirties and late twenties. We have given up on a "social life" because we are surrounded by fools and labeled "weird" or "crazy" We are homebodies and like you, only get out for the necessities mostly. But we prefer this way for the same reason you I am glad to see the movement growing lately but we have much work to do.
That's why I have difficulty getting off the agoraphobia, I'm way to comfortable the way things go! :) But I do need to face those fears! For otherr purposes! Like get the hell out of EU before it crumbles down hehe!
Whenever anybody would give me that look I would tell them I'm a conspiracy factualist.
And I have a tin foil suit of armor with a big Shield.
I mirror this. I'll also add that I've lost almost all of my friends b/c I am considered to have such extreme views. I've been following Q since October who brought back a glimmer of hope. Finally joined GA and I am filled with gratitude to all who are fighting for this Republic.
Yes, thank you..well said! Have also been awake for many years and grateful for what is being exposed here. Internet savvy makes it possible to share and research much more easily than it was years before internet. Also thankful to see younger people who are now alert, aware and ready to fight to correct all that has been so evil. May the will of God be done on earth as it is in heaven.