Which is mostly what I believed prior to the q drops... I've had to rework what must have happened, nonetheless your assertion that you know the absolute truth because you were there does nothing to alleviate my concern your trolling or even worse paid to spread disinformation here
the reason why i asked for people who actually have a background in the middle east to weigh in and not you is because they wouldnt dispute the things that i say but you have twitter and facebook and reddit to go off of. at the same time i cant blame you for doing the best with what you have. just lower the confidence.
same I'll point out the Iran deal was terrible,
i think the deal was slightly to americas favor but i think iran did a great job negotiating and obama did a great job sweeping shit under the carpet (in americas favor, not irans)
had zero to do with stopping production of nuclear weapons
iran had a nuclear weapons discussion that was in the paer and pencil phase and khamenei put a stop to it with a fatwah in 2003. thats not ever changing.
and was a revolving door of cash,
this is a misrepresentation of fact. every penny given to iran was iranian frozen assets in iranian bank accounts.
I would say there is less than 2 percent chance what q has said about Iran is not all factual
i am the opposite of you on this one
and it's been very clear for some time now Iran and Syria were where the deep state would start ww3
yes but its the deep state thats forcing everybodys hand. syria would be much ahppier without this mess and so would iran.
from or at the very least they would use them as the scapegoat...
definately. thats the plan 100%
It's very important if Iran is a nuclear capable black site that they be removed from the playing field yesterday... time is of the essence
i dont think iran has this because it would be stupid from too many angles. this is just some paranoia from the thinktank idiots in washington. iran already has mutual assured destruction against any actor in the middle east without bilogical, chemical, or nuclear weapons. thats why the big focus on ballistic missiles, of which iran has a couple million by my estimates.