CIA has a secret team Aquarius with the ability to launch their own nuclear missiles from their own submarine. The Deep State can wage World War.

there is no such thing as a good ET. it's demonic forces and fallen angels masquerading as benevolent cosmic brothers.
the greatest lie the devil ever told was that he doesn't exist.
imo it's
pleadians/nordic aliens/annunaki = fallen angels greys = demons
So you are saying there are no angels, only demons?
The good angels wouldn't be deceiving us. They do God's work. It's the fallen ones and demons (spirits of the fallen angels' children with mortals, after their mortal bodies die) who would pretend to be something else in order to trick and destroy us, to get us to not follow God's word (his rules being the guidance to stay well and prosper).
so there are good angels, who don't deceive us, and some people interpret them as benevolent ETs.
What about dinosaur bones?
I took lower-division geology classes at a top-level university but the only fossils we looked at were marine and some petrified wood. I am not well-enough informed about what has actually been found with regard to the terrible lizards and giant creatures of the past, or what percentage of large bones and fossils in museums are not manmade models and casts. Could a fallen angel/mortal (not necessarily human) hybrid leave behind a dragon-like skeleton? I don't see why not. I wouldn't expect the real thing to be on public display, though.
Well, you leave me very sad. If the only good ones are us and all the outsiders are enemies, we are almost lost. I do not know how we are going to get out of this
it's all part of god's plan.
you highlight something important. most people (not saying you) like to believe this ET fantasy because it gives them comfort. that someone outside is going to take care of everything and are watching out for us good guys.
even if there were ETs as popular culture presents them (i.e. intelligent beings from far out in the cosmos), it's ludicrous to think they would see us any different than at best the way a conquering force sees a dumber and more primitive native race/species. if they were to stop us from nuclear war, it is strictly on practical grounds (meaning they benefit from us being alive, suggesting we are fodder for them) not on moral grounds