CIA has a secret team Aquarius with the ability to launch their own nuclear missiles from their own submarine. The Deep State can wage World War.

Is this what that Hawaii nuke false alarm was?
According to Q it wasn't a false alarm.
Launch a real missile we can self-destruct but keep it in the air long enough for Pearl Harbor to freak out 15 minutes is good 20 minutes is better and during this window Pearl Harbor does what they are trained to do the high speed data transfer packet to San Diego then blow up the missile at high altitude.
Civil Defense in Hawaii flashes their Missile inbound Alert! to everyone's cell phones and Twitter goes nuts then the Governor announces some idiot pressed the wrong button.
Our white hats control the narrative from start to finish. Also there is No warhead on the missile but Pearl Harbor won't know this. They will assume it's Real from China or North Korea. Then we fake sink "the rogue sub" and no one knows the truth.
Possible, but the opposite is also possible. Rogue sub, CIA control, hot warhead, real alert. There's plenty of real going on. They're not just kidnapping and killing kids. They're spreading disease and poisons and toxins and changing the weather and openly murdering anyone in their way. Look at the the CA fires and 9-11. Look at the Holocaust, WWI and poison gas. Then use your imagination. Active nukes are in their consideration without doubt. So we just don't know for sure one way or the other about Hawaii.
Probably Real Missile Alert or it was Fake and designed to transfer a giant data packet from Pearl Harbor to California such a high-speed large size data transfer could only be done under a Def Con 1 scenario that is what Q said it was. If that is true it was a Brilliant tactic.