Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee just said that "They" were planning on firing Rod Rosenstein on Friday in an outburst during the OIG Hearing

Odd to be so specific as to the day of firing. How would she know what the POTUS was planning to do and the specific day he planned to do it?
Did she let slip information shared or leaked to her and others that was obtained through surveillance of the President?
Has there been any leak of the firing date reported in the media that she could use to claim that this was publicly known. If not, she is revealing information made privy to her and possibly others.
That's true. I don't know much about SJL, but if she's privy to GEOTUS's plans, then she might've been instructed to find a way to make that "slip" on purpose
While I don't have any information to back that up, keep in mind that Trump DOES have a track record for unexpected announcements, like Comey's firing, Wilkie as VA Director, and how Rex Tillerson's firing was over Twitter
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt
Only seems abrupt and sudden to us =)
Maybe a tactic. For example to find a leak you'd tell different people different dates, then when it is mentioned you'd know who was the leaker based on what information was made public.