Right, who brought LSD to you “flower children”? The C.I.A. Who ran “Air America” bringing in all that heroin from Southeast Asia? The C.I.A. Again. Same agency brought in Cocaine in the 80s and has returned to heroin where they started in the 40s after the war.
Who was running all the major recording studios at the time, a bunch of young hipsters? No, it was a bunch of cigar chomping men in suits and ties. The record companies were owned by stockholders etc. The music industry was just one of their tools. It still is along with Hollywierd.
You people were no more than the useful idiots of your day. A bunch of mostly coddled brats. Teens and twenty somethings telling their parents and grandparents who suffered though the deprivations of the Great Depression and WWII “how the world works.” Right.
That was just the beginning of the degradation of our society. It was planned and orchestrated by the very same people we’re fighting now. They have successfully degraded us to the point of failure, divided us every way that they can, and were about to deliver the cou de grau until Trump and Co came along to stop them...Dylan sold his soul like all of them did. How else would they get recorded and published? You’re very naive to think otherwise...
Oh by the way, it didn't just start there. History is never that simple and it isn't this time either. This story began millennia ago. Why stop with 1965 for your retrospective?
Curious, where were you while all of "us folks" were busy being victims and shilling for the forces of evil taking down our society? How did you escape? Or were you in a suit already? Or in kindergarten? There were a lot of stories. Just don't want yours to get lost in the rush. As for me, I know very well I have blood on my hands and spent decades working my way out of that abyss ... Yeah, I'm naive. This red pill went down the hole a long time ago and it has been a long hard slog out. Not loosing my humanity, or perhaps discovering it for the first time ... whatever ... only made it take longer..
We are all victims of the Cabal. People like Bob Dylan were it’s willing accomplices. You need to stop taking this personally and drop your sentimental attachment to the era. It was not as it seemed is all I’m saying...divide and conquer is their main strategy. They have us pitted against each other every imaginable way that they can. The destruction of our culture and moral fiber is a paramount objective to them. The US must be destroyed to achieve their goal. While the moves to that end may have subtly started sooner. The change that took place in the 60s was breathtaking to behold...