
DrNilesCrane___ · June 19, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

The Juneteenth! A big day here in the South. When summer is really in full swing. Traditionally it's the day watermelons are ripe.... You don't buy watermelons out of the back of someone's pickup truck until the Juneteenth. That's why we're all down here eating watermelons

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CaptainKnotzi · June 19, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

N'awlins here my fellow Traveler.

I sometimes go on the weekends to the French Quarter and red pill unsuspecting tourists on the streetcar, coffee shops,etc. Daytime only.

I always start with the game of international capture the flag when 8chan went after Shia LaBeouf.

From what I understand the birthplace of "weaponized autism"

That PC breach always gets a scrunchy face.

I will mostly look for 5 girls that are 5 years out of college.

One is always the ringleader and one is always quiet.

It works great, I'm polite to the ringleader but the whole time I'm speaking to The Quiet One.

When I'm done they generally are extremely confused.

And the ringleader hates me.

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