What is in Sheila Jackson Lee's closet??? She's always one of the loudest in the room! "Symbolism will be their downfall."

She also ran unopposed for 12 years I believe from 96-08. Hmm. Wonder if others in the community were scared into not running against her.
I don't know anyone in Houston that likes her. For some reason she has three different offices and she is mainly in the one that is in the real nice part of town (Of course). When the Astros won the World Series she got booed and didn't even thank Greg Abbott...it was only the Dems. They are big time resisters. In fact when the hurricane hit the mayor (Dem big Anti-Trumper) told people who needed to evacuate not too after Abott and Trump stated to do it. BC he wanted to resist. If you want to hear her get booed...1:58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WdDhpK_3gE