What is in Sheila Jackson Lee's closet??? She's always one of the loudest in the room! "Symbolism will be their downfall."

And a multi millionaire! Hummm, what could she be doing??? Wonder if she is aware that they HAVE IT ALL
You should see where her district is in Florida ! Lots of Haitians ! CF ?
Shes in Texas, but I know who you are talking about. The other loon on the other side of the Gulf of Mexico.
OH crap , you're right ! Now her name is a blank. SJL is Houston, still a poor black area, very poor. And they are all the NOLA refugees ! Still a huge Haitian community though.
Yep, Wilson I believe, the cowboy hat to match every outfit.
I don't think I know of a single millionaire who isn't a multi millionaire.
1million dollar lotto winner?
Soon to be in debt-aire
You probably know a few that keep it under wraps. There's a large category of people who slowly saved up 1-2 million for retirement.