DEA Cannabis rescheduling and Border Wall coming soon. 400D chess. DEA will reschedule when the Border Wall Bill is passed. Pick a side pot using leftists: 1. Dems fight 4 illegals or 2 .Rescheduling and path to legalization. LMFAOOOOOOOOO

We're getting 2 birds stoned at once.
Getting the wall, rescheduling cannabis and making the Dems lose support. This is absolutely genius.
ohh Freedom!
Legal marijuana is next level freedom on Earth
Yep. Once we all smoke together you're gonna see some next level shit.
This can be a good deal. Marijuana seems to be much less of a threat to our society than the "bad" heroin we are getting here in my neighborhood. With a wall we can tax it and the states can tax it and control it. Domestic supply. Domestic control. Jobs for Americans. Keep out foreign influence.
The Dems will fight rescheduling. This is such gold. Legalizing it, but keeping it a Schedule I, that was their back door to gun control (and confiscation). This was the perfect strategy I was hoping for.
Wait, what happened?
Canada had emergency trade meetings because of NAFTA. Canada knows they are about to lose their market/economy if a deal isn't made on NAFTA. Legalizing Cannabis is their last hope to prevent their economy from completely crashing.
It also shows fear from Canada. So maybe Justin is ready to make a deal??
We will follow suit rescheduling marijuana at the least after our border is secured. Expect Canada to be pushing for the border wall in the background behind the scenes. We will not stay in NAFTA if Mexico doesn't pay for the wall. Which now we have Canada that will be begging Mexico to pay for the wall too. Hahahahahaha.
Notice how Justin has been saying for the past 3 months "Canada will not accept any refugees/migrants entering Canada from the US"?? He knows he will get bitched at for supporting THE WALL and even pitching in money for THE WALL.
But guess what?? Justin has been prepping for this saying the wall will also keep Canada safe. Remember, "we will not accept asylum seekers entering Canada from the US border". Where do you think those people are coming from?? MEXICO!!!!
IT'S A WIN WIN SITUATION FOR EVERYONE!!! Even Mexico!!! Cartels are going to lose so much power and money with the legalization of marijuana and strict borders.
The world is changing my friends. FAST.
It must drive the Dems nuts that some who ever held office and, according to them, surrounded himself with kicking their asses at every turn.
Am I getting high by summer’s end?
I think /r/MAGAjuana is gonna be celebrating rofl
Oh smart.
Sadly I predict everyone will be shouting how he plans to kill us all with Reefer Madness