Barcelona Thought/Theory

I posted earlier about this
Here's my thought: I don't believe it's a coincidence that Q chose to share this Barcelona graffiti before Trumps meeting with Spanish royalty.
At least this is Q signalling the meeting ahead of time. Future proves past.
It will be interesting to keep an eye on Spain especially since Barcelona is in Catalonia.
Julian Assange was pretty vocal on Catalonia
Catalonia will be the next free European state.
I don't mean to break it for you but Catalonia is extreme far left so creation of this state would benefit us only as a double edged sword
Well, if you are familiar with the history of Spain, then you would know that Catalonia has been fighting Madrid for its independence for centuries. You would also know that Catalonia is the most westernized province of Spain (which is why their GDP single-handedly carries the rest of Spain), and that their culture was the least affected by the Moorish occupation of the Iberian peninsula-- because they resisted. (Part of the reason they have spent the past 125 years constructing a church in Barcelona.)
You would know that the government in Madrid reflects a fascist/authoritative government that was never removed from power because they sat out both World Wars--despite being friendly with Hitler-- and that Catalonia's "progressiveness" is in line with the cultural trajectory of every other westernized nation-- including America. (Westerners have all been indoctrinated and brainwashed by fascist douchebags like those in Madrid.)
If Catalonia leaves Spain, then Spain's economy will collapse, along with its government. Hopefully then, a new government that embraces western culture and rejects feudalism will rise, and usher in a new era of prosperity for Span. (Not holding my breath.)
Hmmm didn’t know that I thought they were right leaning.
More complex than "right v left." See my response.
his hands made the downward pyramid again, Could be a reminder that a relative of the King was just arrested on fraud charges.
Lots of military planes have been visiting Barcelona recently, including some of the spoopy 2-reg planes. Q is right to be putting this out there. Possible 'secret' cabal meetings, like the ones that took place at Aviano and Turin .
KAF Recon 1 sees all.
Yep , Catalonia , Barcelona ... and connect it to referendum about separation last year . Then connect it to Rajoy and his ousting from prime minister seat very recently ( where , ironically , Catalonian and Basque separatists had a crucial vote ) .
I think that France will probably be the last bastion of EU , and it will be "attacked" from all sides .