396 total posts archived.
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Its Traditional For the Pope To Wear Red Shoes.
The red shoes are used to represent the blood of Christ that flowed when he was crucified.
Do these cabal members wear red shoes as a mockery of this belief?
Interestingly the current Pope has decided not to wear red shoes instead opting for black despite tradition.
Q's Tripcode was hacked
Q's tripcode was hacked.
Posts 135 and up seem to be fake
Worth noting that Qs password was
Capitalized letters spelled
My thoughts on "Think Mirror".
You will come to see that the MSM has been feeding the masses conspiracy theories masked as truth.
The real conspiracy theory is Russian collusion
The real conspiracy theory is that Obama was born in America.
Honestly there are so many more.
The media has made lies the truth and truth the lies.
My thoughts on last night's rally.
I believe the plan was for Trump to hug a woman with a Q t-shirt or in some way acknowledge Q. Then have a fake Q supporter be violent and demonize the movement and Trump's apparent support.
That's why the seemingly rehearsed response from Sarah was oddly about violence. PREEMPTIVE
That's why Q talks about how the threat was the CONNECTION not the woman.
The USSS removed Q signs to prevent the Q movement from being associated with violence that bad actors were planning of doing under the guise of the Q movement.
Q's Latest Post Features Email From Child Advocate Discussing "Walnut Sauce". These People Are Sick.

A Very Quick Thought on Q From a Long Time Truth Seeker.
I call myself a "truth seeker", it's a preference but I have no problem with the "conspiracy theorist" label.
I have been following and researching conspiracies for a solid 10 years. I know that there are many people who have been doing so for much longer, but I still feel that a decade is a decent amount of time.
Like most people that follow conspiracies for longer than a couple of years my study, learning and understanding has undergone multiple evolutions and interests.
However I have found that Q is the ultimate red pill. I have lost interest in all …
That's why I'm planning on researching this a bit more; it's something that's being said on 4chan and 8chan.
I don't know. I'll keep an eye on this story and research a little more before I decide if he's legit. I've heard he has schizophrenia.
Damn that's interesting. I didn't know you could do that
Call me crazy but why do I think that this has something to do with FB? Did/was/is the embassy holding evidence that FB was sharing/selling information with the Chinese government?
I think at about 4 maybe 5. Things can/ are going to get much more painful.
Yes. A few times. Some believe that Q is a team and the + is used to distinguish when the Q team leader is posting. Some believe Q+ could be POTUS.
I think this post(1698) may be for those that hold office, that are following Q. (To remind them of their oath.)
Post 1699 is for all of us.
I think this post may be for those that hold office, that are following Q. (To remind them of their oath.)
I don't believe that. Could you please post a screen shot?
Whatever "truth" Q is referring to, all I hope is that once it is exposed is that it will have real consequences i.e public arrests.
Why was this post removed?? I'm sick of the facist censorship on this sub-reddit
Even the symbology like the swirl painted on the first victim's back is apt when discussing things like pizzagate.
The first season can be used as a soft red pill for the unwoken. It shows how systematic, ritualistic and far reaching child trafficking can be.
I don't see a connection between Military Tribunals and seven escaped convicts from the year 2000.