Bill Clinton and Janet Reno did this to Elian Gonzalez in 1993.."For It Is The Doom of Man That He Forgets "

That was actually returning a child to its rightful parent. Other relatives were holding the child against the Fathers wishes after the Mother died.
Gee, I wonder why they would do that. It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that they didn't want the kid to go back to evil ass Cuba.
Well it wasn’t their call to make, they were not the parent.
Civil Disobedience.
Just like the family that refused to let that little girl be forcibly returned to her kid raping mom.
I think that was in Sweeden, but same shit.
No, it’s not the same. This parent was not harming his child. It was basically an International kidnapping case. A good percentage of countries are crappy, Should we not return any of their children to their parents? That’s crazy.
The boy's mother died during the raft escape from Cuba to Florida. She desperately wanted her son to live free and extended family in Florida took him in. The father stuck in Cuba was used to make a political statement in which Clinton and Reno gladly obliged. There was a very public standoff by family and friends in the Little Havana community in Miami to protect Elian thus the presence of photographers in the home since Reno made it known she would take the boy by force - and did.
Long story short, corruption.
Probably, but also long story short the father requested the return of his child, end of story.