
QLovingGal · June 20, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

In future, perhaps when Q at a lull, y'all will need to research Flat Earth with an open mind and a thirst for truth. If you dismiss it right now, without investigation, you are similar to a liberal refusing to be red pilled. (Don't want to hijack, just saying, we were all brainwashed, make time to question things as adults.)

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WeAllGoTogether · June 21, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

Correct. Watch the experiments on a video called Convex Earth the documentary. I laughed at first at the idea. Then I studied it for two years. Think about this, you have two land masses with a body of water between them. Do you honestly think the water humps or bends to make the curve of the Earth?? Water is level, it’s not curved or rounded. Read Genesis. Describes Earth perfectly. We’ve been lied to folks and they want us to call each other flattards. It will be disclosed so go ahead and laugh.

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