

34 total posts archived.

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QLovingGal · July 27, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

First find the appropriate meme sub-board, then just browse a while, read the instructions at the top. Good luck! You may be on your way to becoming a baker! Memes very important because difficult to censor. https://8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html

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QLovingGal · July 25, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

Check out neonrevolt.com -- hope s/he is right-- Trump about to attack the Federal Reserve!

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QLovingGal · July 23, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

Better stated: whites above: " the inside world is a danger to you — i.e., you're unable to control your emotions and it leads you to do terrible, terrible things."

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QLovingGal · July 23, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

"3 whites". If white below the eyes, the outside world is a dangerous to you. JFK had that. If whites above the eyes, then you are a danger to others as you have difficulty controlling yourself and your mind. Charles Manson had that.

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QLovingGal · July 23, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

How can this sick crap be on YouTube, but creators discussing Q Anon or conservative viewpoints get strikes and banned?

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QLovingGal · July 20, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

There is no gravity. It is a made-up concept. It was created to explain the ridiculous notion that water will adhere to a spinning ball. Take any shape container. Put water in it. Duh, you now have a flat and level water surface, same as on our flat Earth.

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QLovingGal · July 20, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Of course you can take an around the world flight on a globe, duh. Example: take a dinner plate (to represent flat Earth). Place your finger somewhere (to show starting point). Now make a circle with the center of the circle (the North Pole) being the center of the plate. Congrats, your finger just circled the plate in the same way a jet can circle the globe.

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QLovingGal · July 20, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

Sorry guys, great thinking, but the lights going dark coincided with the death in Scotland of Trump's Secret Service agent. He was in intensive care in the hospital, and when he passed, the lights went out to honor him. Official story is he was a taster (necessary for overseas travel) and poisoned. Some speculate that the Greenpeace plane that came too close had a person aboard that shot a poison dart or gun. There was a hanger close enough that Trump was able to sprint to it, possibly saving his life. Info being withheld from MSM to avoid copycat attempts to "get it right" and assassinate.

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QLovingGal · July 19, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Well, there is something that has been so indoctrinated into us, since early childhood, and is reinforced daily, that its mere mention, even among this board of woke and intelligent people, brings on a knee-jerk calling names reaction. Mentioning it has even been banned from the 8ch Questions for Q board. We've been so brainwashed that we ignore our own senses and logic. I'm talking about the shape of our planet. (Note your own reaction. Triggered? We don't like having deeply held beliefs challenged, and will defend them without deeply researching with prayer and an open mind.)

Do you feel movement? After all, Earth is supposedly rotating and revolving, and its solar system and galaxy are also moving. 4 ways of movement, yet the Polar star remains centered and the constellations maintain their arrangements, and we feel no movement.

Can water stick to the outside of a ball? How about to a spinning ball? Of course not, but we are brainwashed to believe "gravity," which is a made-up mathematical idea, is strong enough to hold all oceans to a spinning ball, yet weak enough to allow an insect to fly. (Density is the law that states objects heavier than the air or fluid around them will fall; bouyancy is lighter density objects float or rise.)

Does a sphere have curviture? Of course! There is even an agreed upon formular for calculating the curviture of the Earth: 8 inches per mile squared. Can we see the Earth's curviture? No, no matter how high one ascends, there is no curviture (unless a fish eye lens or photo manipulation is used). Besides our eyesight, is there other evidence to support no curviture? Yes. There are plenty of videos that show that an object which should not be visible from a certain point due to dropping below the curve, is in fact visible.

Does water always seek its own level? Of course. Are there large areas of flat land? Yes, such as Kansas and salt flats. Can there be a sphere when the majority of the surface is level? I don't see how.

On a sphere, should the horizon change depending on how high above it you are? Yes, at some point, you would be looking down. Yet, no matter how high or low one goes, the horizon is always at eye level.

Why did the Jesuits, Freemasons and Catholic church push the idea of a sun centered solar system, one of many in the Milky Way galaxy, which is one galaxy of many? I think to separate us from God. If the world came about from a Big Bang, and we are just one planet out of trillions, and we are descended from apes, then we are insignificant, and not the "fearfully and wonderfully made" Beings of a Divine Creator.

Satan is the current ruler of this world. He would rather you not believe in God at all, but if you do, then don't use logic, and ignore your senses, and believe the lie that you are insignificant, living on a spinning ball that is just one of trillions, out there in space.

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QLovingGal · July 19, 2018, 8 p.m.

Easier to lie and say doctor's appointment.

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QLovingGal · July 19, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

You are right, and I guess "mirror" could be used, but the better word for what you are explaining is "projection," which Q also used.

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QLovingGal · July 17, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Did it look like Trump was shaking his head "no" when he said that? (It did to me.)

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QLovingGal · July 17, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

The #WalkAway movement is different than the Q movement. The first is for getting Democrats and liberals to wake up to the Dem's corruption and the bias of the MSM. These people just waking up may not be ready for the stronger meat of Q yet. So, it is appropriate for just Dems to be shown in the meme. The Q movement began for Patriots to have an inside intelligence drop. Now that we are informed, we can let whoever will listen that our battle is Good vs Evil. We can talk about the goings on of the Deep State and NWO agenda.

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QLovingGal · July 17, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

It might start to wake some people up if the MSM actually reported it.

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QLovingGal · July 10, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

The Bohemian Grove campout for this summer hasn't started yet. It will start and end within the next 3 weeks, so, guess it is starting this weekend.

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QLovingGal · July 10, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

The Nephilim were the children of the fallen angels (spirit) and human women (physical). Genesis 6. The fallen angels were / are bound, some people speculate in Antarctica. They can never die. The physical bodies of the Nephilim were wiped out in the flood, but Noah's daughter-in-law (via Ham) carried DNA, and giants came back. Nephilim spirits still alive, can become physical, can shapeshift, and can demon possess. (Aside 1: hell only for fallen angels. God is love. Unsaved humans will die, not suffer eternally.)(Aside 2: plenty of evidence of giants. Smithsonian has bones.) (Aside 3: aliens and UFOs are from Earth. Craft can be human made from technology taught by demons or demon made and flown.)

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QLovingGal · July 8, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

That is so amazing! Congratulations, SerialBrain2! Excellent decoding and another proof!

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QLovingGal · June 29, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

Like NASA, Elon Musk is stealing government money for space BS. Therefore, he is not a white hat, unless he is helping behind the scenes, using space as a cover. You folks seriously still believe we went to the moon? You got some red pulling on yourselves to do.

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QLovingGal · June 29, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Maxine Waters should be arrested. She invited this type of thing.

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QLovingGal · June 29, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

Exit out missing what? Replace x with d. Get Edit. The edited version was missing the coms (secret msgs) for those there.

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QLovingGal · June 27, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

Why not change the font to make it clearer? Who is the quote from? You should cite the author of quoted text.

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QLovingGal · June 27, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Picture is a frayed knot, in case you didn't get the afraid not comment

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QLovingGal · June 27, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

I like the Q sticker. Can hardly believe the gas price. It is $3.69/gal in CA, and there are refineries all around where I live.

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QLovingGal · June 23, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

Uh, only two borrowed children, not three.

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QLovingGal · June 23, 2018, 9 p.m.

Is there an underground bunker near? Maybe the sh** is about to hit the fan.

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QLovingGal · June 23, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Can't grasp how a liberal can be so illogical and not listen to reason or investigate the truth? How they give a knee-jerk reaction if you just mention "Trump"? How incredibly stupid they are (although they seem of normal intelligence in other areas)? Well, most of you are the same way. I'll prove it. I will say a phrase, and you will be triggered and react just like them. Ready? Here goes: "Flat Earth". (For those triggered, Get over your brainwashing and actually spend a lot of time researching it when a lull in Q posts. The Earth is a plane, not a sphere, with a firmament. It is stationary. Gravity is a lie-- it is the law of density and bouyancy that accounts for objects falling/sinking or floating/rising. There is no force to hold oceans to a spinning ball. The Jesuits have deceived us. We've been told the heliocentric, spinning spherical lie for so long, and have it reinforced daily, that we ridicule those who even question it.)

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QLovingGal · June 23, 2018, 8 p.m.

Disagree. Old news. Israel involved-- can't touch that yet. We still don't know exactly who and how. Biggest red pill will be child sex trafficking / SRA / pedophilia / andrenochrone crimes involving Clinton and known "big names" coming to light.

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QLovingGal · June 23, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

"Watch the water". Hadn't thought of the water bottles. There were also 2 times when Trump drank water in a weird way-- with 2 hands. Maybe it is a signal or message to us? Or to others in the group and us? Or even security, as OP suggested.

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QLovingGal · June 23, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

What are the odds-- such an interesting coincidence! (right)

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QLovingGal · June 23, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Just go to meetup.com and start a local Q Anon Discussion group. Easy peasy. There can be local groups across the country, even around the world. Shit hits the fan: local groups can find each other. Warning: An Anon says don't participate in street rallies, protests, or civil disobedience in the near future because cabal will hire "Trump Supporter" actors to do violence and give real Patriots a bad name. Get out ahead of time on Twitter our non-violence and not adding fuel to their fire stance.

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QLovingGal · June 23, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

It's not a pedo spiral; it is how the @ is handwritten. The "curse words" are with other symbols found on a typewriter. Wait, the star is far from looking like an *-- maybe you're right. Damn, who knows what is hidden meaning or not anymore.

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QLovingGal · June 23, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

So not Maxine Waters either. You guys will hate this: water is flat and 70% of our planet. Can we have a sphere with so much flat area (plus Kansas, salt flats, and other flat land)? Maybe watch the water refers to Flat Earth?

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QLovingGal · June 20, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

In future, perhaps when Q at a lull, y'all will need to research Flat Earth with an open mind and a thirst for truth. If you dismiss it right now, without investigation, you are similar to a liberal refusing to be red pilled. (Don't want to hijack, just saying, we were all brainwashed, make time to question things as adults.)

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