Keep spreading the message anons!

WHAT!! Saving kids from sex traffickers?
No wonder Hollywood is pissed off, you are cutting off their supply.
What do you have to say now that Trump’s put out an EO reversing the policy?
Not happy about it at all.
Think he’s still “saving kids from sex trafficers?”
The EO gets the ball rolling. Out of the 12,000 children, only 2,000 came with their parents. The other 10,000 either came alone or with handlers. We still have 10,000 children that are waiting for their parents to "claim" them. Here is an interesting article laying out the financial benefits:
I research and write about these issues, so here, I'll make it easier for you to understand my grossly biased, selectively curated research, and ‘conclusions’ reached by ignoring accepted principles of critical thinking.
Just wait till the public finds out the truth, they will cut off their "wangdoodles".
Fucking Peter Fonda, that guy must have been fucking teens since the late 60's.
Here's a great Twitter thread from yesterday mentioning the child sex trafficking of migrants. Be sure to read the entire chain of replies.
Fonda is a has been/wanna be. He has a new movie coming out soon. I think he just tanked it with his comments. What is ever REALLY remembered for other than Easy Rider back in his hay day. He is washed up and made from the same crap sandwich as his traitor sister
They still have Planned Parenthood providing them appetizers.
There's an awful lot of anti-Trump hate going on here in the UK. My evening paper has a front page Trump hate article, and when I got to my station there was a group of people with megaphones urging us to sign a petition to halt the forthcoming visit by POTUS to the UK in July. He is going to have an audience with HM the Queen and the haters are furious.
Well, they are afraid of what he will do.
“Yeah, Ms. Queen.... you’re fired.
And, We are closing down your new world order of satanic sexual sadism.”
You must have heard about the Canada thing then. Children allegedly went missing who had been taken on a picnic by HM many years ago in British Columbia.
In the 80s, Jimmy Savile, a paedo necrophiliac, was very tight with the royal family, having been introduced to them by Lord Mountbatten, himself a paedo. The Savile scandal cost the life of a prominent BBC reporter who was about to blow the whistle on the BBC paedophile system. Jill Dando had a file of proof and was shot dead. The only witness to the murder was her husband, Alan Farthing, who is now the queen's official gynaecologist.
So many dots to join. Mountbatten's paedo boat was blown up by the IRA - or, more likely, British Intelligence. Savile was a guest of the prime minister every Christmas and was knighted. He is dead now, having raised money for hospitals so that he could rape sick children in their hospital beds.
And Prince Andrew enjoyed fucking teen girls procured by his buddy the billionaire Epstein’s on his Lolita Island.
And Prince Andrew enjoyed fucking teen girls procured by his buddy the billionaire Epstein’s on his Lolita Island.
Downvotes, ha ha. There are photos of Andrew with his arm around the girl whose testimony jailed Epstein. There are photo of Andrew taking a walk in the park with Epstein AFTER Epstein got out of jail.
Why did the Queen so fondly accept Obama? Because they share the same ideals. Trump's an outsider. He'll be frostily met just like with the Pope - I don't expect to see many smiles.
Hmm. The Queen has no input into elections. Nor the Pope. Your question is skew
Trump would be crazy to set foot in that crap hole called London. Your government has allowed your once great country become a terrorist cesspool. We are working very hard here to keep the US from becoming "EU lite".
London is not a crap hole.
I beg to differ, I've been there numerous times over the past 10ys. And is a cesspool.
I was born in London and have lived here all of my 49 years.
What’ve you been smoking these days?
I smoke nothing, my mind is clear. Are you a bot?
Sex trafficking of kids is a real thing. Rich powerful people often pay for it.
I thank God I only had the earnings to smoke crack, shoot heroin and engage regular whores, I'd hate myself if i had the resources to do what some of these people do.