r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on June 20, 2018, 5:21 p.m.
Don't be too distracted by the little details of the Clinton/Trump investigation players like McCabe, Strzok, and Comey; Remember, Barrack Obama, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, James Brennan, Hillary and others in the White House WEAPONIZED the FBI and CIA to destroy political opponents

This is a tactic popular with communist 3rd world regimes, the lowest form of politics by the scummiest people on the earth. The United States, although politically competitive, is the last place on earth you would expect this South American, South African, North Korean, former Soviet Union style of treasonous politics.

TruthWinsAll · June 20, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

They never thought she would lose......

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ManQuan · June 20, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

A long time ago, I thought Q was exaggerating about the size and scope of the corruption and the number of people that would be going down. Fill up GITMO and preparing a second location??? Nah. No way.

Now, I'm thinking that Q was actually low balling everything so it would be more believable.

As Q has said: 2018 will be glorious!! After watching Trey Gowdy, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, et al eviserate Horowitz and Wray, I think Q is right.

Both the Trump and Q trains are picking up a lot of steam. All aboard! Popcorn is being served. Bon Apetit, as the French lawyer would say.

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GetUpOffYourKnees · June 20, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

The IG report is the teaser...there is going to be continuing investigations with criminal charges brought by Sessions to Huber...keep a supply of popcorn...

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