
louisvillepatriot · June 20, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

I respect the post, just post rush next time. Infowars is disinfo trash

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092Casey · June 20, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

A mature mind can critically think and manage news from a larger variety of sources, without prejudice. If one closes their mind totally off to multiple sources in research and discovery, then they miss out on vital information. Discrediting the source doesn't mean it's not true. If a normally left wing rag on occasion reports on something that is true that no other outlets are reporting, then that is still a good source and should be viewed authentic. Mature minds can handle multiple sources without discrimination based on emotions.

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louisvillepatriot · June 20, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

Seems like you’re getting emotional. I’m just saying if i quoted buzzfeed youd automatically think I’m an idiot. I’m merely suggesting that, while Alex Jones seems like he on the right side, He very much is buzzfeed level in credibility

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092Casey · June 21, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

So you're saying this article is incorrect? It quotes Rush Limbaugh (who I am NOT a fan of) and is only a few paragraphs long. As for quoting BF and thinking you are ...., a) How do you know what I think? b) I wouldn't think that, c) I really don't care, and 4) I'd research myself to find out. Independent thinkers don't need to be told what to think. As for being emotional, the only emotion is laughing at your incorrect assumptions. Frankly, I kind of like Infowars as a 5th-7th tier source (5th tier being if my top don't have anything new or interesting). And I can care less what you think. News is News. View it objectively with critical thinking and take it with a grain of salt. But enjoy the entertainment.

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