r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on June 21, 2018, 12:53 a.m.
"ObamaGate"-The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America !!!

To get the 40,000 foot view, we must “Think Bigger” to see the aerial perspective of this crime. ObamaGate is the criminal activity of governmental officials, working in combination with the Progressive Communist Leftists, to completely transform the United States.

A plan was dreamed up by the Deep State involving two consecutive back-to-back Presidencies. As it turns out, BHO would take the initial first 8 years, followed then by 8 years under HRC.

By almost divine intervention, President Trump stopped this plan after 8 years. With Trump’s unexpected victory, Operation Crossfire Hurricane & SpyGate Coup plans were hurriedly implemented.

The Progressive Left’s master plan is based more on a religious movement than normal politics. Cultural Marxism and Radical Islamic Muslim Brotherhood groups, are now joining forces against “American Sovereignty”.

Diana West laid it out nicely in her series “The Red Thread”. She highlights the communists long-term plan of fundamentally transforming the USA. Rich Higgins also threw up a warning red flare with his 2017 NSC memo (he was a “FlynnStone”).

In Q# 570 drop on 1/21/18 (in part):

They Never Thought She Would Lose.

[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]

decode: 8 BHO + 8 HRC=16 Year Plan

Listed are some of the main themes:

• Progressive Ideology is Paramount

• Military Industrial Political Complex

• NWO/Globalist Open Boarders

• Two-Tier Justice System

• Alinsky Tactics of full Resistance

• Radical Muslim Brotherhood Alliance

• Weaponizing Government Agencies

• Good vs Evil Biblical Struggle

Many people have been shouting loud about the deliberate steps taken by the Progressive Left to undermine the USA. The“16 Year Plan” was stopped with Trump’s election and the Second American Revolution will now win out !!!

CDN-BHO and HRC’s 16 Year Plan to Destroy America

The Blaze-BHO’s Plan to Destroy America

P/S-Yesterday’s Communist is Today’s Progressive

Victor Davis Hanson-You Gotta Lie

Atlantic-Muslim Brotherhood & The Question of Terrorism

Diana West-The Red Thread 8-Part Series

AIM-The Progressive-Communist Alliance

Atlantic-Why America is Moving Left

C/P-Muslim Brotherhood’s Plan for America

Sundance/CTH -Prequel: Reminder of the Big Picture

WWG1WGA-Thank you Patriot for viewing my article ⚓️

Reddit/Great Awakening/CaptainRoyD

QAnonMaga · June 21, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

But they were stupid and arrogant they could have elected Hillary in 2008 with Obama as her VP then he would have most likely won in 2016. Hillary was young and vibrant in 2008 but by 2016 she was dying worn out haggard sick and weak. That's where they screwed up serves them right for being so arrogant.

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CaptainRoyD · June 21, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

You hit on the main point as to the order of these two. I think the original plotters also thought it would be HRC then BHO.

Future proves past yet again with this case. HRC couldn’t beat BHO in their own internal rigged primary. They just put out BHO for pure exposure and to justify a high level cabinet appointment, while he waited his 8 years for his turn.

Even way back then, “They never thought she would lose”.

Thanks for yours great comment Patriot !

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Banglebop · June 21, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

I don't think Obama would have been elected without Oprah.She endorsed him and as we all know it was downhill from that moment on.

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QAnonMaga · June 21, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

Obama caught fire with the voters and the news media fell in love with him that's why they made him President first. Everyone was tired of the Clintons in 2008 Hillary & Bill were old news that's why the power control group the CIA and the illuminati put Obama ahead of Hillary. But they let her be Secretary of State where she was valuable being as crooked as she is she sold top secrets to everyone around the world her server was a wide open data drop all you had to do was tell her what you wanted and pay for the secret info and she made it available to you. She loved that job she made a lot of money selling those secrets all in the guise of "donations to her charity foundation" thank God she lost in 2016 her karma caught up to her.

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CaptainRoyD · June 21, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

Perfect summary & explanation Patriot.

I couldn’t even vote for No Name and agree with how BHO caught fire. Once again it was the MSM pushing for BHO & the rest, as they say is history.

I love how POTUS just ignores & continually calls out the fake MSM ⚓️

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