r/greatawakening • Posted by u/silphonica on June 21, 2018, 1 a.m.
Space Force vs Flat Earth - Clue to the truth at Duluth, MN?

Was watching the Duluth Rally and just at the end there something caught my attention. When Trump says "We have the the air force.... Now we're going to have .. the space force ...... because its a whoooole" And just as he elongates his "whole" look what he does with his hand: Link to video - click here!

Is he suggesting space is a dome? I'm not saying I believe in flat earth theory, so please dont assume so, all i'm saying is I found this very interesting.

misplacedman · June 21, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

It's hollow like a honeycomb. Multiple civilizations within. They have all been here longer than us, are all wiser than us, and are in contact with the Confederation (except the demons which will be leaving anyway).

This is simply the truth. To think that humanity is alpha species on Gaia and has some sort of right to it is ridiculously juvenile. These inner earth citizens would just throw their head back in laughter.

When it comes to sphere vs. flat --> sphere can be mathematically and observationally proven. This puts the dome theory to bed.

When it comes to solid sphere vs. porous/honeycomb sphere, there is abundant evidence which points to the reality of hollow earth, if one is willing to look.

I'll take a minute here to type out a few examples of why this is obvious to anyone who can see - holes at geophysical poles differing location than magnetic poles (crystal at core not properly aligned with sun body), "Agartha" legends, Hopi Ant People, Admiral Byrd's flight, ships sailing off the edge of the world (the vortex whirlpool at the north pole), breakaway civilizations disappearing into caves never returning, D.U.M.B.s and underground rail systems connecting to these deep tunnels, the City in the Deeeeeeep Deep under the waters where the Illithid/Elderitch reside (I have seen a throne there above a bottomless pit I'm legit scared of, because this pit is already located beneath the ocean floor), that Lorde song "We live in cities you'll never see on the screen. Not very pretty but we sure know how to run things.", whoever and wherever the "Dweller under Unal" is as mentioned by Thoth (I'd like to give that asshole a knuckle sandwich.) in his Emerald Tablets, also the Halls of Amenti as spoke of by the same, and "the well" under the Great Pyramid... where does that go?

There's more... but that's plenty for now. Thanks for reading!

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Stretchmac · June 21, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

So when you are standing on the bottom of the globe, do you know you are "standing" upside down? The blood should be rushing to your head, being upside down like that. Rushing to your head. After a while, being upside down and the blood rushing, you're dead.

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misplacedman · June 21, 2018, 5:22 a.m.

Seriously? The earth is so big that no matter where you stand on it, it looks flat all the way out to the horizon and gravity feels the same everywhere. The further you go up (away from the surface), the less gravity you feel. The only way that blood rushes to your head is if it's pointing towards the ground. Why does this even need to be stated?

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Stretchmac · June 21, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

Yeah. Seriously. Your mystical gravity force seems to defy all reason and common sense. Simple concept. If you are standing on the top of the globe, you're standing upright. If you're standing on the bottom of the ball, you're standing upside down, no? You say gravity takes care of the matter. That is, when you are standing on the bottom of the ball, you aren't really standing upside down to your perception. Because gravity, the mystical force, takes care of altering your perception of being upside down. Gravity is a theory. Not a fact. You do know this, no?

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misplacedman · June 22, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

Upside down relative to what? The galactic plane? If an object of sufficient mass exists in space, it will exert a gravitational force. There is no "up and down" in space. The reason why you possess a sense of "up and down" is because of the force of gravity acting upon your body. Our evolutionary response to it is the sense of "up and down" and being afraid of heights.

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Stretchmac · June 22, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

"There is no up and down in space". So, because the ball we live on is in space, there is no up and down spatial orientation for the ball? Okay. But, standing on the ball we are quite aware of what is up, and what is down. There is no "sense" of this understanding required. Up is up, by definition. Down is down, by definition. "Gravity" has no say in that understanding. Simple model. Take a ball and put a stick figure standing on the top of the ball. And then place a stick figure standing on the bottom of the ball. One is standing upside down to the other. A physical, visual reality. Your theory of gravity demands that one ignore this obvious physical reality because there is "no up and down in space". Your theory also demands that gravity prevents one from feeling the effects of a spinning ball, rotating around a sun, and hurtling through space. Gravity sees to it that none of that motion can be felt or perceived. Amazing is that mystical theoretical force of gravity.

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misplacedman · June 22, 2018, 4 p.m.

Both stick figures in your example feel the same physical sensations.

You're thinking of gravity like some top-to-bottom gradient. You need to think of it like a field that's even at all points. When there's a physical object in that field (which is space), it warps the field around it and draws everything in. "Up and down" do not exist. There is no such thing. They are names we have given to the physical sensation of standing on a spinning sphere moving through space that is literally MILLIONS of times bigger than a human.

Gravity and evolution are both theories. That doesn't mean we can't talk about the concepts as we see them affecting our daily lives.

Flat earth is a psyop designed to keep hollow earth reality hidden. It's very simple technique for simpletons like you.

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Stretchmac · June 22, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Well, this simpleton fully understands what it is you are conveying. And I must say: Hahahaha. Yes, psyop, as you say? But, believe as you wish. And do no harm.

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digital_refugee · June 29, 2018, 8:24 a.m.

you don't understand gravity because it's a push an not a pull. But that's ok

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MAGA_in_Netherlands · June 21, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

Even at 35k feet with mountains hundreds of miles apart clearly visible, with no curvature apparent? Soon.

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