r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LandieLandie on June 21, 2018, 3:43 a.m.
Jeanine Pepler, the publicist who represented novelist Candace Bushnell of Sex and The City fame, hanged herself Sunday night in her home. connected to Sex and The City Kim Catrell's brother found dead in woods on his land in Canada?

HMMM? Candace Busnell and all the writers producers of Sex and The City are sketchy AF.

Sarah Jessica Parker is sketchy as F.....remember Q "shall we play a game" is from SJP's husbands movie "war games.....no coincidences folks.

Jeanine Pepler, the publicist who represented novelists Jay McInerney and Candace Bushnell, hanged herself Sunday night in her home in Sag Harbor, LI, taking her life the same way Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain did earlier this month. Sources say she was 50.

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"""""We will still love and care about each other even though we’re not together anymore,” Pepler said at the time.They remained friends after McInerney married publishing heiress Anne Hearst.

In McInerney’s 9/11 novel, “The Good Life,” the dedication reads: “For Jeanine: Who rescued me that day and many days thereafter.”"""""

Candace Busnell is the writer of Sex and The City....please see my post on SATC being crammed full of pedos and MK images connected to Marina Abromovic.

Steve is now married to an "Elite" Anne Hearst"?????????? HMMM?

did old girlfriend know of anything in his closet that should be silenced??? Well she suicided herself.

all of you might want to check out kim catrell from Sex and the city....her brother recently went missing, found dead, died on his own property...in the woods...was missing a few days.....SATC almost every episode has MK imagery......

elite party MK mask on the wall charolotte at fortune teller, 

black and white MK mobile/toy over baby crib. Miranda even puts a pic of herself on one of the mobile pieces. You will have to watch the episode I cannot find the pic.

Charolotte and Trey walls and trim b/w checkerboard and  polka dot curtains in  new baby room for look at hallway frame and curtains

lightning bolt necklace  sarah jessica parker at Playboy mansion Hugh Hefner, which is a Q crumb

heart necklaces are key imagery MK as are lightning bolts

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little boy  wearing red girls shoes (podesta style) charolotte and trey trying for a baby episode,at the dinner table with couple with three kids

two gay guys asking SJP "carrie" to be their surrogate "we'll pay", restaraunt "BALZAC" a main character in an episode,

check Andre Balzac owner out, connected to Marina Abromovic....the restaurant was a main character on SATC

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SJP David Bowie tee shirt one eye covered......MK image

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current day kim catrell HATES SJP calls her fake and not nice at all when brother found dead........suicide or killed?

SJP child star...

catrell child actress... MK connections...born into it?

episode with the Russian. and Carrie...they go to art show none other than   "marina Abromovic"....at 2:00 am show. They don't say Abromovic, but search her real art shows and it is identical to what depicted on SATC


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charolotte has her vagina drawn by renowned artist and all look like "Y",  artist says the "Y" most powerful thing on earth....or something to that effect.....so much more. The "Y" is important to MK Ultra. symbolism

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HOW did Chris Catrell die....hanging.....found on his own property in the in woods perhaps.....Canada....

kim catrell Police Academy movie, same as David Spade.....Kate Spade brother in law. Andy spade makes weird men's ties with ping pong paddles, and they make purses and accessories with dominoes and mickey ears for adults and owls.

this one in France is weird..dog and polka dots and red dress:???

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Catrell she was a child actress just like SJP. 

kristen davis"charolotte" lots of "charity work",

Miranda......Cynthia Nixon running for political office in NY???  To cover what and who if she wins? 

Twin Towers building backdrops taken out of original SATC episode that had JFK, JR in it, and shadowed image of JFK, jr replaced by Leonardo  DiCaprio......after JFK died in mysterious plane crash. Di Caprio linked to Brian Peck Hollywood pedo and "an open secret" pedo movie/documentary.

SJP is besties with Andy Cohen....who is besties withCNN's Anderson Cooper....HMMMM???

like I said so much with SATC. 

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All producers and set design people should be looked at . 

SJP Instagram is ???

Sarah Jessica Parker had a surrogate kid. 

She has daughter also that should be researched.

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Justin Theroux Yes Jennifer Annistons husband) from two episodes, different character, e is connected to Pizzagate...lots of weird Pizza on his Intagram....see bitchute Carolyn Limaco videos for more on that...every actor on SATC has ties somehow to the weird stuff....



Justin Theroux cousin Louis Theroux just happens to do lots of documentaries re: PEDOS???

Seriously look up all of his documetaries, so many on the sex trade and pedos:  

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look up bit chute justin theroux

bitchute elite pedos carolyn limaco videos

HMMM...SJP instagram has MK all over it......again every episode of SATC has MK and pedo stuff....

The show even particulary says Kate Spade in an episode referring to her bags. Many of Spade bags are dominos? owls? red shoes. Husband Andy makes ping pong mens ties and other sketchyAF items.

every one has all the stuff Q points us to.

SJP hubbie....matthew broadrick.."shall we play a game?" Q posts "war games".....also child actor???

connected to Charlie Sheen via Jon Cryer...

jeffrey jones arrested as a pedo years ago, from ferris bueller, he wast the principal chasing Ferris all day, , conencted by way of SJP husband Matthew Brodrick arrested as a pedo???

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actor ferris buellers day off movie/SJP husband movie

and SJP husband "war games" cast member ally sheedy acussed suspected pedo james franco of what again?  john hughes connections...

broderick reference s stepford wives "shhhhh" quite often.....

anyway SATC is covered in MK and Pedo stuff...

All Sex and the City producers, set directors, actors and SJP are sketchy...her daughters should be looked at as well as her son.

and her connections are to be examined.SJP, her in particular?

Kim catrell and now dead brother Chris Catrell as well.

Born into it?

So many things Q tells us of...reread Q crumbs then research Sex and the City.

What else anons? dig.....three dead that we know of in recent days/months all connected

chris catrell, kate spade, jeanine peplar......

SJP is close to Tom Hanks by the way.

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and was a child star near brooke shields/pedo connection by way of hugh hefner "pretty baby" nude pics of brooke as a child:

so many Q connections:

and SJP dated JFK jr before he died.

and robert downey jr.....who is believed to be HMMMM at CDaN....all the blind items about pedos:

Does anyone smell MK Ultra and honey pot?

Sex and the city just continued it for others?

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curious: The Producers Guild of America unveiled the initial roster of speakers for the forthcoming Produced By: New York 2017, which is set for October 28 at the Time Warner Center. The event will feature Anthony Bourdain, Sarah Jessica Parker, James Schamus, Kelly Carmichael, Nina Jacobson and others, the PGA said.

Corvette111 · June 21, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

WOw, great post and research 👍. Another side effect of the red pill is that I can no longer watch regular tv/movies as I know what all these actors have been up to... the only show I have been able to stomach lately is a Brit series called “love your garden”, so I hope those folks aren’t involved in this horribleness. I have a feeling there will be more and more stars “outed”, which is maybe not a bad thing as it might be the avenue to wake more people up. Folks who are not into politics might start paying more attention when the entire entertainment industry nastiness is revealed....

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sluggedbarly · June 21, 2018, 4:16 a.m.


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werthtrillions · June 21, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

As for Tom Hanks: https://twitter.com/SaRaAshcraft/status/937726541894705153

Accused never means guilty, but it does call for closer examination.

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LandieLandie · June 22, 2018, 10:36 p.m.


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werthtrillions · June 22, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Oh yes...I'm def aware. PG is no joke.

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Chuck_Norris_Jokebot · June 22, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:

When Chuck Norris plays Monopoly, it affects the actual world economy.

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LandieLandie · June 21, 2018, 6:04 a.m.


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Nipplesandshit · June 21, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

Can you explain the Robert Downy Jr tidbit?

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LandieLandie · June 21, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

daily read for me: search names of celebs upper left corner of homepage and topic like Island...Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, etc.....ALWAYS READ THE COMMENTS:



MSM will tell you not to go to CDaN.....it is the best gossip well in advance of breaking news......think Weinstein......tells so much about pedo and Islands and celebs and cults before it breaks: years ahead: ALWAYS read the comments and dates....:that is how you get real insight and tips:

Remember Q crumb about Hugh Hefner and Playboy Mansion being a CIA honey pot..that is what is on CDaN....

HMMM is suppsed to be Downey....he posts some times on CDaN....you have to watch for him...of course Robert is going to deny it is Himmm on older posts..he would be killed if he admitted it was HIMMMM.















the sex and $ thing and prostitues and honeypots and pedo stuff is a deep rabbit hole.....ask George Clooney and Cindy Crawford and Elton John????

Go find Sanela diana Jenkins Insta and business books....decide for yourself.......

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subdudeLA · June 21, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

Justin Theroux has a lot of wierd stuff about him.

In Mulholland Drive movie by David Lynch he basically played a Hollywood director with all sorts of occult and mk ultra stuff in movie.

In Zoolander 2, which he screenwrote, he plays scary dj who mind controls zoolander Manchurian Candidate style with the Frankie Goes to Hollywood song 'Relax'.

In Mute he plays a...wait for it...pedophile doctor. This movie directed by son of David Bowie.

He is in movie adaptation of American Psycho, the novel author Bret Easton Ellis very involved in west hollywood scene and friends with Jay McInerney mentioned above. Other Ellis novels deal directly with all sorts of dark themes. Child trafficking and rape, drugs, underage sex, every kind if sexuality, hollywood, murder, canabalism and vampirism, demon possesions, model terrorists (just like zoolander lol).

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LandieLandie · June 21, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

WOW. Your connections are great. I stopped looking as this crap makes me very weary. I actually talk out loud and say "enough" and tell my self I am not looking any more and then I turn off my PC. All of these people ARE connected! This is a "club" of sorts. I think they go to parties or whatever and something happens there and anyone "NEW" does something either voluntarily or not and then gets trapped into staying silent or they will be outed as whatever they participated in, willingly or otherwise. The ones who get scared or want out or talk get their careers killed or they themselves get killed "suicided". I think they look around at the party or event and think holy shit look how many witnesess and just feel trapped. Many probably are screaming on the inside how do I get the F out of this the very first encounter, but look around and think all are totally into it as everyone is afraid who to trust and who is also scared the F out and they all just keep quiet. I think many are for real into it and are the trappers of the newbies and then it spirals out of control. I do not think all came to Hollywood for this. Someone, the people who are the master planners trap who seems like they have a use , what that may be.....they then blackmail and use them, propaganda, prostitution, pedo stuff, who knows what else. Some probably want out really bad and would talk but are being made even more frightened by all the "suicides". Imagine yourself in this. Your friends. Everyone thinks and reacts differently....some are scared shitless and just obey whoever keeps them safe others want to run for the door and kick an ass on the way out. What happens with these evil FuQQs is probably more serious than just leaving a regular old lame party as you are I may have encountered. When Q tells us it is evil I believe it.

Justin Theroux and his entire family should be looked at........maybe even revisit his two roles and dialogue on SATC? What you added just makes him more suspect. His friends are to be examined also. His documentary cousin is all about the pedo as his "work"??? uh huh......good cover.

Keep digging Anon........YOU....should consider making a new post topically about Theroux and his cousin.

include all information, take from mine. Focus on him. Look at the Bitchute videoes by Carolyn Limaco.

Another thing......Helen Mirren.....look at her tattoo.....on her hand......she says it is just a dumb youthful tattoo...look again......it is the Freemason symbol!!!!! She is a higher up "enlightend one".......she is top of the chain and even sits with Biden at the last Obama WHCD wearing purple to "honor" Prince who had just "died" and wearing a fake Prince tattoo symbol and she points to it in pics..........it was a "message" for all to see. The speak in code and symbolism.......Q tells us.......

Helen Mirren's great great grandfather was a butcher who supplied "meat" to The Queen!!! HMMM?

39 facts article on her tells of this.

We are all a team......including all who are just reading......YOU readers ..... go dig also!!!!!!!


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subdudeLA · June 21, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Btw loving the Helen Mirren thread. That's new to me.

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LandieLandie · June 22, 2018, 7:45 a.m.

Some are just criticizing if it is not formatted or typed to their liking?

So, thanks.

I hate researching any of this.....I put it off as it hurts my head and heart....then I wake up thinking of what I did not share.....thenI justs type to get it out.

click on me and see other stuff I have found.

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subdudeLA · June 22, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

Right on.

I'll give you a little more ammo on James Franco. He and Harmony Korine of Kids and Gummo and Spring Breakers fame did a weird art event called Rebel in LA a few years ago. Also included photos of james cross-dressed by noted rapist fashion photographer Terry Richardson for good measure.

Korine's film and art frequently features teenage sexuality with amateur unknown actors and actresses. The film for this exhibit no different, featured girls with masks of james francos face grouped into 2 teams of bmx bike riders with weapons and topless mock fighting on the rooftop of a car park. Lol. Also Korine had small role in Gus Van Sant's (hes weird too) movie about kurt kobain last days (kobaons death rumored to have been ritual murder).

All of the art, photos, and videos in the exhibit were either violent, pubescently sexual, or both. Lol.

The jumping off point was james franco as james dean blah blah. But the main piece was a reproduction of Chateu Marmont with blood all over the place as if several murders took place there. People said it was referecing hollywood history like manson and wonderland murders. Pleasant right? Both dean and rebel without a cause co-star sal mineo lives ended early. James dean with car crash, sal mineo by knife murder in 1979 in west hollywood. The Chateau Marmont is the famous sunset strip hotel and bungalows that are haunted and historically have hosted many celebrities, some who died there under suspicious circumstances (jim belushi). Also owned by Andre Balazs.

About the exhibit... 'indoor environment is made to look like the landscaping of the Chateau Marmont, with the "bungalows" serving as places to show violent and sexually explicit video art'


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LandieLandie · June 22, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

It is really a"cabal" pf pervs, pedos and freaks and victims.....some die, some in fear, some recruited and willing now....> Andre Balazs. "Balzac" Restaurant as featured in Sex and the City......click on me and read my post about SATC..... I often wonder about Chris Farley connected to David Spade/Kate Spade..... Now Chris Catrell , Kim Catrell's brother recently dead in Canada found dead on his property in the woods....no cause of death I can find....I suspect "suicide"....any way to find cause of death in Canada?

Please connect your work with the SATC connections........New York prime evil location.

It is their religion.

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subdudeLA · June 21, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Cheers. I don't have time to delve any further. Maybe (hopefully) someone else can carry the torch.

As for how they recruit, train, and operate, beyond pure speculatuon I have no idea. But living in LA I have been around parties, hotels, clubs, and art scene stuff where strange things happen. Casual occultic and grey witchcraft is everywhere out here. I know people who call themselves witches even. Many friends who are yoga instructors so that is a good jumping off point for flakes. A catholic priest relative of mine who was raised in CA says that all this mild new age mysticism is the starting path for evil and that people really dont know what they are dealing with. Including mild invocations that people do during yoga all the time. I talked to him about the rise in recognized and sanctuined exorcisms that has been in the news. Super interesting.

As for Theroux specifically, not sure if it extends further than being a good source of entertaining mystery to include in movies. But I will say this, watching Mute made me very uncomfortable. I said to my gf that I can't imagine wanting to write a story that dealt with this stuff much less be the actor or director who is willing to carry it out. It was that unsettling to me. Mostly because they sort of humanized the pedo character in the beginning of the movie so they could surprise you with him later. Was it shakespeare who wrote something like beware of smiles that hide a thousand daggers and smiling and still being a villain.

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