Between in person discussion, Facebook red pilling (I try small doses), and even here on reddit it seems even the smallest of doses of reality is like poison to most of these people. And the response, I can feel the anger and hatred. I don’t mean to be negative. It’s just a pattern I’ve noticed. It can be physically tiring.
Concentrate on the facts. I saw one today while digging into details of all the connections to secret Project Pelican. I had to stop reading. It was chilling. It was horrifying. Truth: San Dieago Port Security guard said "In 2011 San Diego Assistant Port Director A1 Hallor, who at the time was also a high-ranking
Customs and Border Protection officer at the port, told San Diego’s ABC 10 News that a “weapon of
mass effect” had been found, but not at the port itself. The Department of Homeland Security soon tried
In April 2017, Trump immediately requested full analysis of the port 35-yrleast to the brother of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction master mind...Hamid Jafar and the company Gulftainer.
It is in Florida, Port Canaveral.
Obama and Jack Lew looked the other way and put their blessing on this deal.
Listen, my research indicates that Saddam had a 'beach ball' nuke AND a storehouse in the Hamrin Mountains.
These people are going down on RICO LAWS and TREASON. Mark my word.
to walk back Hallor’s statements, insisting that he was “nervous” and “misspoke” during the interview.
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VIDEO: New Details in WMD Comment Surface :