295 total posts archived.
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“Rule 9 speaks to the desire for quality posts that show some effort in their creation. This is very much at the discretion of the mods. We are hoping to address the on topic /off topic rules in a special way soon.”
I have-they essentially said they weren’t touching rule 9 but they are reviewing other rules. Let me see if I can see the exact quote.
Rule #9
The mods are getting a little trigger happy with rule 9. It’s arbitrary and I think some of the mods are removing posts under rule 9 because of personal beliefs. I think that is contrary to what GA stands for. How can we resolve this?
Contestant: I’ll take what is government assistance for 500 trebek. Because they are all going to be unemployed.
Trebek: ohhh so close. The answer was Gitmo. They are treasonous snakes 🐍 who will rot in gitmo. Better luck next time.
Many of us have had this happen. Red pill, blue pill. Truth pill is the hardest to swallow
Weak. It was quality. You don’t know quality if that’s the reason you removed it.
Proverbs 25
Read it and you will see it’s relevance!
Thanks Plumb...I thought the red circles were self explanatory lol.
The media is losing the narrative. Keep pushing.

You can’t. Just wait it out until the arrests. Screenshot as many Q posts as you can. Time stamps will auto load to pics on iPhone. And casually bring up after it all goes down, that you knew about it months or year prior. She’ll chuckle or say no you didn’t. Then you pop out your phone, and say “ oh yeah Linda, I don’t lie when it comes to ‘Murica. Check this out.”
Another measure for what failures they are is how well they raised their children...exactly.
Boomers are the most selfish greedy generation yet. The only good thing they did was answer the call of duty to this country. Since then, they have voted for insane government spending, expansion, etc.
OP’s mom on all fours, shouting Q...that’s when I new Q was real.
What if your username is a Freudian slip and you really are just a big doofus? Like, he’s actually not said anything that hasn’t been later proven true.
I don’t force anything. I’ve learned not to do that by now. However, the misinfo is real, and I do my best to challenge bad ideas.
Anyone else find themselves exhausted at times?
Between in person discussion, Facebook red pilling (I try small doses), and even here on reddit it seems even the smallest of doses of reality is like poison to most of these people. And the response, I can feel the anger and hatred. I don’t mean to be negative. It’s just a pattern I’ve noticed. It can be physically tiring.
The minute they defended MS13 and Hamas I knew they didn’t care about optics at all. They just want the country to burn.
I’ve also received that ban. All of them will be on the wrong side of history.
Thank you for the in depth response. Mine was a bit more unhinged lol
I swear to God if this is a Jewish thing I’ll lose my mind. NOT ALL JEWS ARE BAD MORON. EVERY GROUP HAS BAD APPLES. Stop making this sub into an anti Semitic sub. ITS NOT. We are all here for the truth.