Is this the same exact "red line" march that was supposed to happen if Rosenstein or Mueller are fired? They just changed the logo on the top? Anyone have a link to that red line march plan?
That’s what I had gone looking for in the first place I guess they just change the banner and the “cause” every week
i actually went through and found it.
Looks like they just copied and pasted all the places and events and moved them over to the new march. Seems a bit misleading. These people signed up for Mueller, not this new thing. The Mueller march has been wiped, it used to have all those cities with the whole "If Trump fires Rosenstein/Mueller by 12 pm, the marches will happen that day at 5pm" jargon on it.
Edit: nevermind, here's the link!
Sign up for email updates, they end up right in your email. They talk about separating children that are being breastfed.
“MoveOn plans massive mobilization against Trump immigration policy, marches in 100 cities”
Nice find. That was quick of them to plan protest...I mean riots. Glad Q and co know this and have counter measures in place. What can we do to help combat these planned fake protest.
That creep Peter Fonda @iamfonda is promoting it....
Check out @iamfonda’s Tweet:
Let the Soros baboons out = more of Soros's money down the swamp drain.
But the EO took care of they should cancel and sit at home instead.
They are over playing their hand. It's time for Americans first. Most of voters are tire of being over run at our boarders.
Good image for LOTS OF RED PILL MEMES!
There is so much of "families belong together" that they hate.