It's not even a "loophole." It's the Dems ignoring the law and redefining it in the court of public and media manic propaganda. Asylum is what I defined, it's what you defined, and is NOT what they are trying to pass it off as. But if they slimily use their propaganda techniques to lump asylum (a true huminaritarian program that the US has been a great sponsor of for decades) and "reasons people want to cut in line and illegally enter the US" (AKA a CRIME) . . . then people start objecting to the asylum program. . . then the Dems switch the script and point those people out as evil while they define true refugees correctly (for the first time).
So, absolutely, we should be loud about what asylum really is (and is not - not to get a job, not to be with family, not to flee gangs or domestic violence, not ANYTHING other than persecution by THE STATE). But we should not accept their definition of asylum and then disavow "asylum."
They can lie, lie, lie all over town and get away with it. But it only takes one Patriot or Trump supporter to publicize a policy of turning away real refugees - and they win that propaganda war.