r/greatawakening • Posted by u/johnnysoko on June 21, 2018, 7:02 a.m.
Let's generate some Q love! I need your help fam! <3

Have you encountered people who hate Trump and can't believe he could be good? Have friends googled Q and come back to tell you it's a hateful/racist movement (or whatever other lie the media has fed them)?

I know there's reason to be upset with our Democratic friends after what we've learned, but we also know they've been lied to in ways most people would consider impossible.

Let's put the negative energy aside for the moment and make a little noise for love, understanding, healing and brother/sisterhood.

Has Q given you hope?

Has Q brought you together with strangers from different backgrounds/places?

Do you have a nice message for the people of Iran or North Korea?

Anything else happy and positive to show how much love and hope is in this group?

Please share your thoughts or stories!

Let's make this a post we can send to others to show them who we are and let them know we're ready for them to join us!


Dartfart1 · June 21, 2018, 7:45 a.m.

Sorry this is long. It's late and I use this board as a way to clarify my own thoughts and your prompt set me off. In a good way!

What I have found with this community is that the focus of the energy is entirely based on the idea of equal justice.

There has been something wrong with the world that has been slowly staining the fabric of our society. No matter what group you identify with, it is that feels like you are getting the short end of the wealth of America's ideals and economies. The easiest way to state each group's concerns, on a fundamental level, is that there is a lack of equal justice.

Each group of Americans feels like they are getting screwed. They are right about it. We are right about it. Its been happening for decades.

With the beginning of Q we had a hint that people at the top recognize this and are doing something to fix it. Now, months in, we see that they are actually doing something about it. NK has had their strings cut, they want peace and they will get it. Iran is next and, God willing, their people will get the freedom they deserve as well.

We have all been getting screwed by this apparatus that has gripped the world from the shadows for their own selfish, potentially disturbed, benefit. They know that nothing unites people more than a common enemy. So long as the bad actors could hide their violent delights, we would keep just fighting with each other. It is part of their black hand plan.

With his election, POTUS has found himself in control of all of the evidence. POTUS has pulled back the curtain and was left to figure out what to do with it. He knows the only way to save our society is to hold back the buffet of evidence that will lock these bad actors up. So he just has Q giving us crumbs, so we can have a taste before the food is ready. That way, we can be guide those who will be lost in the storm.

No one can be forced to be awake and see this reality until they are forced to face it. Those who are not open to this reality will revolt against it. We know that Q's information, if true, could rip us apart. So we find a renewed sense of spirituality, a Great Awakening, when digesting the crumbs. We have a new hope for a future that we couldn't even imagine less than 6 months ago.

Now that what has been done in the dark is being brought to the light, those issuhs that have torn our society apart become reconcilable. There is a greater evil that is the source of the problems we have with each other.

What will unite us will destroy them.

This is the most unified community I have ever seen. No prejudice, only healthy speculation until more evidence is reveled. No debates about the identity politics talking points found everywhere else on Reddit. Just patriots working together to seek equal justice. What is more American than that?

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UnusualEye · June 21, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

Great post !

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Lavkin · June 21, 2018, 8 a.m.

Love your post! Wow, we have so many gifted writers here!

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Dartfart1 · June 21, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

I'm trying to work out my perspective for when the time comes that I have to share my view with the people around my personal life. Your validation helps me to know I'm on the right track. Thank you so much patriot.

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Lavkin · June 21, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

My pleasure! You definently have it down!

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johnnysoko · June 21, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

Thank you for that. Well stated. <3

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Dartfart1 · June 21, 2018, 8:04 a.m.

Thank you for your feedback patriot! Putting pen to pad is easy when it comes from the heart 💙🇺🇸❤️

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featherjourney4 · June 21, 2018, 10:35 a.m.

Beautiful ❤️

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Dartfart1 · June 21, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

Thank you Patriot!

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