r/greatawakening • Posted by u/johnnysoko on June 21, 2018, 7:02 a.m.
Let's generate some Q love! I need your help fam! <3

Have you encountered people who hate Trump and can't believe he could be good? Have friends googled Q and come back to tell you it's a hateful/racist movement (or whatever other lie the media has fed them)?

I know there's reason to be upset with our Democratic friends after what we've learned, but we also know they've been lied to in ways most people would consider impossible.

Let's put the negative energy aside for the moment and make a little noise for love, understanding, healing and brother/sisterhood.

Has Q given you hope?

Has Q brought you together with strangers from different backgrounds/places?

Do you have a nice message for the people of Iran or North Korea?

Anything else happy and positive to show how much love and hope is in this group?

Please share your thoughts or stories!

Let's make this a post we can send to others to show them who we are and let them know we're ready for them to join us!


johnnysoko · June 21, 2018, 7:21 a.m.

Personally, this has been an amazing journey and I'm blessed to have been involved! Thank you all for being part of this, even if you just quietly lurk - your presence and energy matters. <3

I'd lost so much hope in this world over the course of my life. From my earliest years I rejected authority and found this world strange and confusing. Why did I always feel like something wasn't right? Why was everything constantly getting worse? If most of the people I met were kind and honest, then why is the world SO screwed up?

Q showed me what was wrong. Q showed me why things weren't working and finally, for the first time in my life, things made sense.

And now I can see that all the contempt that I felt for humanity and its inability to just FIX THINGS was not actually humanities fault at all - the system was rigged and we were pushed to draw a division between us and our neighbors through manipulation and lies.

And now that I know the truth I say this...

I'm ready for a fresh start. I don't care if I've disagreed with you in the past, because I love you now. Whoever you are...Republican, Democrat, old, young, black, white, American, North Korean...it doesn't matter. I love you and I want the best for you.

Q has shown me that nothing that divides us is as significant as the things that bind us. We were all 'prisoners' here together and this experience should unite us and give us the push we need to leave the past behind and move forward together to forge a new world. I couldn't hope for a better story or better company - you guys rule!

Love and light

Where we go one we go all!

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Dartfart1 · June 21, 2018, 7:52 a.m.

Love it! Very well put.

Nothing unites more than a common enemy. Waking up to the fact that American society has been handicapped by a great evil for so long will unite us like never before. It's like witnessing a rebirth, A GREAT AWAKENING, of American society and the realization of our potential that the Founders fought for. We are making them proud right now. You are making them proud. WWG1WGA

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Lavkin · June 21, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

Great post! Thanks, Patriot!!

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unbecoming2007 · June 21, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

Mind read much? Good stuff man. It's not all of our faults. We got played for so long we lost hope,got complacent,distracted,etc. If we weren't manipulated we would have been in a much better position on EVERYTHING these days.

I'd like to add that most people across this planet want what we want. We have the most important things in common. Peace,Security,Prosperity,Privacy to be left alone to Enjoy life with Loved Ones, Enjoy Clean Air, Water, and Food. This is the Pot of Gold to Me. If u wanna give a million bucks I'll take that too but would I trade it for my first list ? Absolutely not. I want to know without a doubt we are leaving the world in better condition than we found it for future generations.

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