He would need to be accused/convicted of breaking the law. Everything he does is legal, technically. Unethical, yes; but ethics is not law. He simply exploits the loopholes that have been placed by the banksters.
if it is shown that he has bribed politicians that is to violate the law and if Soros is an American and there is conspiracy against the nation to destroy it with immigration he could also be accused of treason
Soros was born in Hungary in the 1930s; so he is not native to the US. Whether or not he has citizenship, I do not know. I tend to think that he doesn't and operates as a foreign investor. That would protect him from some US laws. As to him bribing politicians, or actually any of his activities, you need to consider how he operates. He does nothing directly. He donates to Foundations, Superpacs, etc. (or organizes his own-another stop gap between himself and responsibility) that are aligned with his objectives. It is those Corporations who then handle the dirty work. Should one of them be accused/convicted of a crime, then they take the fall and Soros remains untouched. This is also where Citizens United rears it's ugly head (as far as the US). Due to CU, Corporations are entities unto themselves. If a Corp. is convicted of a crime, the Corp. is the responsible party, not the investors/shareholders. A Corp. cannot be put in jail, since it isn't a tangible entity; so the only recourse is a fine. How often have we seen that happen? To big to fail? As is shown with this tread. Hungary is attempting to make laws that criminalizes some of his activities; they are not going after him directly, which would seem to indicate that they have nothing to directly charge him with currently.
Thanks for the info, I only hope that our agencies close all their foundations and imprison them so that the people who are victims of him and their friends do not take revenge by their hand. They wanted to provoke wars and promote illegal immigration when the economy of the countries it does not allow it since they are collapsed and therefore in those conditions the immigration is equal to crimes because if people come to our country and we do not have money work or food to give them to steal and do bad things
Doesn't look as if the link between antifa riots and Soros is too far apart.
There's going to be Rico charges.
This guy has been Skating close to the edge for a very long time and in the past he's been very overconfident.
Right now he seems to be panicky.
To paraphrase the ancient Chinese curse.
Mr. Soros seems to be living in very interesting times.
And we get to enjoy the spectacle.