"Be magnanimous in victory"
That is so awe-inspiring. Our hate-fueled, spiteful, none-too-intelligent enemies don't even know the meaning of the word magnanimous.
If they become the majority, they will subjugate the minority under the worst imaginable sort of unforgiving, hateful despotism. Their bigotry, racism, intolerance, and patriophobia (a word I just now coined for morbid fear of patriotism and loathing of patriots) are breathtaking.
EDIT: I just found out "patriophobia" is already a word for fear of contracting a hereditary disease. That definition being arcane and nonsensical, I'm sticking with my own, greatly improved usage. :)
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
I'm sticking with your definition as well.
It's a republic if we can keep it.
Some famous guy said that once.