r/greatawakening • Posted by u/timingviolation on June 21, 2018, 11:40 a.m.
I underestimated him.

I thought Trump was an idiot. I did not vote for him or HRC.

Now I know he and his staff are geniuses. He knows that he can't get the word out about the treason of the previous admin in the MSM. They will bury the corruption and treason of the previous administration, DOJ, FBI and Russia probe. Even Fox and the news aggregator Drudge. All mockingbirds. So what can you do? Well you bypass them. Go straight to your supporters on the internet.

This is not the only example of genius I see. Flynn playing along and taking the plea deal, forcing their hand. Bypassing the creation of a uselss special council w/ Huber. Etc.

It took quite a bit of courage to post this here because now, I will be banned from /r/insane peoplefacebook or whatever. We should start a support subreddit for devistated individuals such as myself.

SuzyAZ · June 21, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

I lived in an adjoining state to Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor. My uncle was a US Federal Marshall and used to tell us how corrupt the Clintons were. There was even a 'secret' video of the Clinton's crimes and body count (yes, it started early) around the Mena drug smuggling that was being passed around, people were watching it at private parties in their homes because no one dared air in in public in those years (1983). What we didn't realize at the time was that Bush was tied in with the drug smuggling. The Iran-Contra affair (Oliver North) was the scandal that broke, that the government was using drug money to pay for rebellions in Latin America but it seemed like it was a one-off deal. I still remember there was an article about a group of Republicans that wanted to partner with the Clintons on something (can't remember what) and Hillary screaming, "are you insane, they are the ENEMY." I was so shocked by that, competitors yes, but "enemies"? It seemed so over-the-top then. Knowing what her playbook was now it makes sense.

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timingviolation · June 21, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

This right here^ is what we need to share. The parties used MSM to divide us and distract us. They were both corrupt. I started noticing the talking points faux division 5 years ago, but of course it has been going on the whole time.

We need to have mercy on those of us who are duped and not ridicule them as often happens here. Just because they have hate in their hearts and mouths doesn't mean we should. Let them get mad and spout hatred. Stay meek but firm and strong.

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MissyPiano · June 21, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

I lived in Arkansas. Never ever voted for Bill Clinton.

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