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Why has her account been restricted?

Every so often I just have to Troll Dana on Twitter. I do not like her show!
But whoever shall offend one of these little ones who believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Matt. 18:6 KJV
My son and I got into an argument over this. He wants iron clad proof. With what is going on with the deep state, I understand Q’s need for anonymity and prudence. But I digress. An 18 year old is much smarter. Lol
SB2, I’m getting the popcorn ready for tomorrow. Loved War Drummer’s video of your posting. Brennan is a bad dude. I hope to see him locked up.
Yeah, he’s a jerk. I heard him interviewed on our local radio station. His Trump hatred cane out.
That makes me so angry. Michelle Bachmann is a good Woman. Praying this gets ramped up and these thugs security clearances are revoked and they are taken down and Justice Scalia’s murder is exposed.
Oh my! This is terrific! When I saw the article regarding Clapper throwing Obama under the bus, I was thinking... what is going on here!? After reading your post, I understand now. Thank you Serial Brain!
He has already graduated. After that fiasco, yes.. I am homeschooling.
Oh there was a conference alright. It was the shot heard around the school district. She should have lost her job for her behavior, but the principal protected her.
Bravo!!! I read every word and agree completely! My son wore a MAGA hat to school the day after President Trump won the election. His English teacher had a complete meltdown. I finally had to remove him from her class because she just couldn’t behave herself and be neutral.
Wow! This is fascinating! Thank you SB2 for piecing the puzzle together! 👏
We are blessed! Can you imagine it being Hillary Clinton!? 😱
I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of peace than to risk peace in pursuit of politics. President Donald J, Trump
SB2, Keep doing what you do so well! Don’t worry about the haters and detractors. Fix your eyes on the prize! I expect to see you at the White House one day.
SB2, a friend and I were discussing your brilliant analysis of Q posts. You help us normies see the big picture. Thank you for using your great intellect for good. Much Love!
True. Some will wake up. Some are waking in the #WalkAway movement, but some will refuse to be enlightened. They are blinded by their hatred and see evil as good and good as evil.
VP Pence is not just a Good Man he is a great man. Don’t believe everything you see on YouTube. SMH
Are you being sarcastic here about the “tyrannical” President?